Date |
Morning Service |
Afternoon Service |
2011-12-31 |
New Years Eve Worship Service see PM |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
JOY IN THE GOD OF SALVATION: Past reflection, Present trust, Future outlook |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-12-25 |
SONGS OF THE NATIVITY (PART III): SONG OF THE ANGELS: The good news about Christmas – It involved unusual visitation, It concerns Jesus’ unique person, It brings peace to those who believe – Luke 2:1-20; Text: Luke 2:8-14 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
SONGS OF THE NATIVITY (PART IV): SONG OF SIMEON: His testimony shows how God preserves faith, His testimony shows the astonishing affect that Christ will have on many – Luke 2:21-35; Text: Luke 2:25-35 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-12-18 |
GOD’S BLESSING IN THE FAMILY: The blessed individual, The blessed family, The blessed future – Psalm 128 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE SONGS OF THE NATIVITY (PART II) – THE SONG OF ZACHARIAS:. How deeply thankful he was for the Messiah’s coming, How much stress he puts on the fulfillment of God’s promises, How clearly he understood Christ’s work – Luke 1:57-80; Text: Luke 1:67-79 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-12-11 |
SONGS OF THE NATIVITY (PT I) – THE SONG OF MARY: Praise to the Lord for – His regard for the lowly,. His reordering of the weak and the proud, His remembrance of His covenant – Luke 1 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
JOSHUA’S FILTHY GARMENTS: The accusation made, The promise given – Zechariah 3:1-10 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-12-04 |
THE FOLLY OF MAN’S WISDOM: The ‘good’ intentions, The terrible consequences – Ruth 1 Text: Ruth 1:1-5 |
Candidate Mr. Corey Dykstra |
THE ELECT ONE: The pattern of his life, The fruit of his work, The breadth of his salvation – Genesis 39; Acts 7:9-16 Text: Acts 7:9-16 |
Candidate Mr. Corey Dykstra |
2011-11-27 |
An Exhortation to Repent: Due to Spiritual Delay, God’s Promise of Restoration Hosea 5:1-6:3 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
Bending the Knee in Prayer: To the Father of us all, for the support of His indwelling strength, for the knowledge of His love, in confidence of His ability – Ephesians 3, H.C.L.D. 46 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-11-20 |
THE FOLLY OF ANCIENT ISRAEL -Tragic ignorance. Moral depravity – Hosea 4; Text: Hosea 4:1-10 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
PRAYER THAT PLEASES GOD -Why we need to pray, How we are to pray, What God promises when we pray – II Chronicles 7; H.C.L.D. 45; Text: II Chronicles 7:12-15 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-11-13 |
I WILL BETROTH YOU – Hosea 2:15-3:5; Text: Hosea 2:19, 20 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE CURE FOR UNLAWFUL DESIRES – Hebrews 13; H.C.L.D. 44; Text, Hebrews 13:5, 6 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-11-06 |
ISRAEL’S UNFAITHFULNESS AND GOD’S LOVE – Hosea 1:1-11; Text: Hosea 2:1-15 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
DURING THE EXILE OF HIS PEOPLE, THE LORD SHOWS FORTH HIS FAITHFULNESS BY KEEPING DANIEL AND HIS FRIENDS FAITHFUL TO HIM. We’ll see how: their faithfulness is tested, their faithfulness is confirmed, their faithfulness is blessed – 2 Chronicles 36:5-21; Text: Daniel 1 |
Rev. Poppe, Redeemer Canadian Reformed Church |
2011-10-30 |
A MOSAIC OF METAPHORS – The first portrait: who Christ is, The second portrait: who we are – I Peter 2:1-17 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
SINS OF THE TONGUE – We are held responsible for what we say, Our words have enormous power, Man by himself cannot tame his tongue – James 3; H.C.L.D. 43; |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-10-23 |
FIVE FUNDAMENTAL CATCHPHRASES 1. Be alert 2. Be faithful 3. Be courageous 4. Be strong 5. Do all things in love – I Corinthians 16:5-24 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
GOD AND GOODS – What God Forbids, What God Commands – I Thessalonians 3:6-15; H.C.L.D. 42; Text Exodus 20:15 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-10-16 |
Rev. J. Folkerts of Telkwa URC |
Rev. J. Folkerts of Telkwa URC |
2011-10-10 |
Thanksgiving service; more info unavailable at this time |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-10-09 |
CHRISTIAN CHARITY AND COLLECTIONS. Giving relates to the well-being of God’s people, Giving should be in keeping with our income, Giving must be surrounded by careful safeguards, Giving is not a means to our salvation – Malachi 3:3:8-12, I Corinthians 16:1-4 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
ADULTERY IN THE HEART – What are the issues? How can one keep pure? -Matthew 5:21-32; H.C.L.D. 41 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-10-02 |
LIVING AS FAITHFUL SERVANTS – PART I: OUR SALVATION – The past: what God has already done, The present: what we rejoice in now, The future: what will be given at the end – I Peter 1:1-12 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
YOU SHALL NOT MURDER BUT LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR – We should love one another because…To hate your brother is murder, Love is a characteristic of Christ and the brethren – Genesis 4:1-15; I John 3:11-18 H.C.L.D. 40 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-09-25 |
THERE ARE ONLY TWO WAYS: the way of the righteous and the way of the ungodly: Their focus, Their future, Their finish – Psalm 1 |
Rev. den Hollander |
BY FAITH WE STAND JUSTIFIED IN THE COURTROOM OF GOD.” There we hear: The Judge, The accuser, The Advocate, The verdict – H.C.L.D. 23, Romans 3:1-26 |
Rev. den Hollander |
2011-09-18 |
FILIAL OBEDIENCE AND FATHERLY NURTURE: A word to children,. A word to fathers – H.C.L.D. 39, Ephesians 6:1-4 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
DEATH OF DEATH: the magnificent climax: A new revelation, A divine necessity, An exciting victory, A heartfelt note of gratitude – I Corinthians 15:50-57 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-09-11 |
GLORIOUS BODIES – Resurrected bodies are: Made alive after being sown to the ground, Much more magnificent than the body that is buried, Gloriously patterned on Christ Himself- I Corinthians 15:35-49 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RIGHTEOUSNESS & LAWLESSNESS: The nature of sin and lawlessness, The reason for Christ’s coming, The evidence for Christ’s work in a person’s life and character – I John 3:4-10 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-09-04 |
CELEBRATING THE SABBATH – The nature of the Sabbath, Our need for the Sabbath – Mark 2:23-28, H.C.L.D. 38, Exodus 20:8-11 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
JESUS THE BREAD OF LIFE – Labour for what lasts, hunger for what satisfies, believe in the One who will not cast you out – John 6:22-40 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-08-28 |
THE RISEN LORD DRIVES AWAY ALL DOUBT -Thomas’ deep-seated doubt, How Thomas’ doubt is dispelled – John 20 |
Elder Ken Cavers reading sermon by Rev. Keith Davis |
THE FEAR OF THE LORD IS THE BEGINNING OF ALL WISDOM – What it means to fear the Lord, Where to learn to fear the Lord in the first place – Proverbs 9, 1:1-9 |
Elder Doug Tiel reading sermon by by Rev. A.. Veldman |
2011-08-21 |
DAVID SINGS OF THE UNIVERSAL KINGSHIP OF CHRIST – The world’s foolish conspiracy, the Lord’s angry rebuke, the king’s righteous claim, the Spirit’s savings summons – II Samuel 10, Psalm 2 |
Elder Bernie Bakker reading sermon by by Rev. Dick Wynia |
GOD HAS MADE US UNTO A SPIRITUAL HOUSE – Built on the one cornerstone, Made up of many stories, Called to holy service – Ephesians 2, 1 Peter 2:4-8 |
Elder Andy Bakker reading sermon by Rev. R. Bredenhof, CanRC |
2011-08-14 |
O LORD GOD, PLEASE REMEMBER ME – Judges 15:1-16:31, Hebrews 11:32-40 |
Elder Sandy Siepman reading sermon by Rev. (Dr.) Kim Riddlebarger, Anaheim, CA |
WHERE IS GOD IN THIS? – The Sovereign Lord promises to never again destroy all living things. We see the power that stands behind the promise and the grace that stands as the basis for this promise – Genesis 8:20-22; 9:12-17 |
Elder Gerald Steendam reading sermon by Rev. Keith Davis |
2011-08-07 |
VANITY OR VICTORY? – Consequences and Benefits for not believing the resurrection – 1Cor 15:12-28 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE TERROR AND COMFORT OF GOD – The danger of His holinesss, the blessing of his presence – I Samuel 6, H.C.L.D.36 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-07-30 |
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NA |
2011-07-24 |
THE GOSPEL DECLARED – The heart and the response it demands – I Corinthians 15:1-11 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
IDOLATRY ON TRIAL – The choice, the contest, the conviction – 1 Kings 18:20-40, H.C.L.D. 34 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-07-17 |
AHAB ENCOUNTERS GOD’S WORD FOR THE SECOND TO LAST TIME – The fear, the fulfillment and the foolishness of God’s Word – 1 Kings 22:24-40 |
Pastor De Rooy |
THE CHURCH IN WORSHIP – The purpose, the nature and the authority in worship – I Corinthians 14:26-40 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-07-10 |
SPEAKING IN TONGUES TODAY: Is there such a thing? – Tongues were revelatory, were for public use and were for a sign – I Corinthians 14:1-25 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
LESSONS IN REPENTANCE – Jonah repents, Nineveh repents, God relents, We must repent – Jonah 3, H.C.L.D. 33 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-07-03 |
THE SUPREME CHARACTER OF LOVE – I Corinthians 13:8-13 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE NECESSITY OF GOOD WORKS – The qualities and the responsibility of Christian growth – II Peter 1:1-15, H.C.L.D. 32 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-06-26 |
IN GOD’S TRAINING SCHOOL DAVID LEARNS THAT GOD IS HIS SAFE HIDING PLACE – The secret, the discovery, the safety of David’s hiding place – I Samuel 23:1-13; Psalm 54 |
Rev. Jonker |
IN THE PARABLE OF THE FIG TREE THE LORD JESUS TEACHES US ABOUT WHAT IS PLEASING TO GOD: HE WANTS TO SEE FRUIT. That’s why He gives great care, He gives His grave judgment and He gives extended grace to His ‘fig tree’ – I Samuel 23:1-13; Psalm 54 |
Rev. Jonker |
2011-06_19 |
SAVING FAITH – Its content, Its nature and Its assurance -Romans 10:1-13 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE GREATEST LOVE – Part 2 – What it’s not and what it is – I Corinthians 13:1-7 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-06-12 |
THE CHRISTIAN SOLDIER MUST GIRD HIS WAIST WITH TRUTH – The Danger: the devil lies, The Truth: our foundation, and The Soldier: gird your waist – Ephesians 6:10-18 |
Elder Andy Bakker reading a sermon |
THE HOLY SPIRIT GUIDES THE DISCIPLES INTO ALL GOD’S TRUTH – The limitations of the disciples, The work of the Holy Spirit, The consequence for the Church – John 16:5-16; 1 Corinthians 2:1-13 |
Elder Bernie Bakker reading sermon by Rev. C. Bouwman |
2011-06-05 |
HAPPY ARE YOU HUNGRY – Luke 6:20-26 |
Rev. Barry Beukema |
GLAD ARE YOU SAD – Luke 6:20-26 |
Rev. Barry Beukema |
2011-06-02 |
Ascension Day Service – Christian Hope – It is sure and steadfast, it provides a direct link with the unseen, and it gives a strong consolation – Hebrews 6:13-20 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-05-29 |
THE GREATEST LOVE – Part 1- Why it matters, What it’s not, What it is- I Corinthians 13:1-7 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
JESUS ASSURES THE CHURCH THAT…- He holds the key, He opens the door and He keeps His own – Revelation 3:7-13, H.C.L.D. 31 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-05-22 |
THE SERVANT WHOM THE LORD DELIGHTS IN – His competence, His communication, His tenderness, His strength – Isaiah 42:1-9 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
SPIRITUAL GIFTS – Their origin, Their variety, Their purpose – I Corinthians 12:1-11 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-05-15 |
WHAT ABOUT HEAD COVERINGS? – This passage has something to teach us about – Authority and headship, Conduct in worship, Gender distinctions – ICorinthians 11:2-16 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE LORD’S TABLE – The problem at it, The purpose of it, The people who come to it – I Corinthians 11:17-32; H.C.L.D.29-30 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-05-08 |
A PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN OF EXCELLENCE – Her character, Her priority, Her value – Proverbs 31:10-31 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
WHAT IS THE LORD’S SUPPER? – It is communion with Christ, It is fellowship with each other, It is a deterrent to sin – I Corinthians 10:14-11:1 H.C.L.D.28 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-05-01 |
JESUS, CHILDREN AND INFANT BAPTISM – Why did Jesus receive these children? – Why do we baptize our children? – Genesis 17:1-14; Mark 10:13-16, H.C.L.D. 27 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
YOU THINK YOU STAND? TAKE HEED! – Be sure to run the race, Beware of presumption, Be on guard against every form of sin, Be careful to respond practically to temptation – 1Corinthians 9:24-10:13 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-04-24 |
A MEMORABLE DAY BY THE SEA OF TIBERIAS – Jesus encourages His disciples with a resurrection appearance as…The powerful Lord, The caring Servant, The generous Provider, Their close Friend – John 21:1-14 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
FAITH IS NOT OUR WORK, BUT GOD’S MIGHTY WORK OF GRACE IN US. We’ll see how: – the Spirit works faith through the Word, the Spirit strengthens faith through signs – 1 Kings 17; Luke 4:14-30 |
Rev J Poppe (CanRC) |
2011-04-22 |
Good Friday Sermon – THE LAMENT OF THE CROSS – It makes known the depth of His pain, It conveys what He did not deserve, It expresses what He blamelessly endured – Psalm 22 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-04-17 |
THE COMING OF THE SHEPHERD-KING – The nature of His appearance, The reaction to His arrival, The results of His coming – Zechariah 9 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
GOOD WORKS – Inadequate, Necessary, Rewarded – Ephesians 2:1-10, H.C.L.D.24 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-04-14 |
Prayer Day Service – information not available |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-04-10 |
THE SUFFERING SON – The severity of His suffering, The vicarious nature of His suffering, The effects of His suffering – Isaiah 52:13-53:12 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE GOSPEL TRUTH, The way to miss out on God’s grace, The way to receive God’s free pardon – Luke 18:9-14, H.C.L.D. 23 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-04-03 |
THE CALL TO SACRIFICE ISAAC: Faith put to test, Responding to the test, The Lord’s provision – Genesis 22:1-19 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
CHRIST MADE HIS CHURCH A BODY – He blessed her with gifts, He has given her diversity, He designed her for mutuality – 1Corinthians 12, H.C.L.D. 21 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-03-27 |
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2011-03-20 |
PAUL’S DEFENSE – The rights of those who bring the gospel, The demands on those who hear it, The reason the Apostle forfeited these rights and demands – 1Corinthians 9:1-18 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
JOB’S FAITH IN THE LIFE HEREAFTER – His expectation for his body, His yearning to see God -Job 19, H.C.L.C.22 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-03-13 |
LOVE MUST RULE OUR BEHAVIOUR – Balance your knowledge with love, Use your freedom in Christ carefully – Corinthians 8 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
FORGET NOT ALL HIS BENEFITS – Our great God, Our great need, Our great opportunity – Psalm 103 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-03-06 |
MORE INSTRUCTIONS on life, marriage and singleness – Be content in your present situation, Do not be ruled by present realities -1 Corinthians 7:17-40 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
A FRIEND REQUEST YOU CAN’T IGNORE – Why it is given to you, Who it leads you to, How it helps you -Matthew 11:28-30 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-02-27 |
TRUE LOVE AND MARRIAGE-Instructions for those married, Instructions for unique situations -1 Corinthians 7:1-16 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE HOLY SPIRIT-He is the Helper, He is the Spirit of Truth John 14:15-18,14:25-31,16:5-15, H.C.L.D.20 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-02-20 |
MEMBERS OF CHRIST: the command to flee sexual immorality – 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE NATURE OF CHRISTs COMING – some misconceptions, a few corrections and many comforts – I Thessalonians 4:13-5:11, H.C.L.D. 19 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-02-13 |
APOSTOLIC PROBING – How come you don’t care about Christ’s reputation? Why can’t you take one for Christ’s sake?, How can you forget who you are in Christ? – 1 Corinthians 6:1-11 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-02-06 |
CHURCH DISCIPLINE – 1 Corinthians 5 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE INCARNATION OF CHRIST – The Miracle, the Motive, the Merit – Luke 1:26-38, H.C.L.D. 14 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-01-30 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-01-23 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE CHRIST – Matthew 16:1-20, H.C.L.D. 12 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-01-16 |
Rev. Dick Moes |
Rev. Dick Moes |
2011-01-09 |
GOD’S UNIQUE WISDOM VS. MANs WISDOM” – I Corinthians 2:6-16 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE MERCY OF JESUS IN PAULs LIFE – 1 Timothy 1, H.C.L.D. 11 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2011-01-02 |
THE NEW WALK – PART II – Ephesians 5:1-17 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
GOD’S PROVIDENCE: encouragement for Asaph in his troubles – Psalm 77, H.C.L.D. 10 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |