Date |
Morning Service |
Afternoon Service |
2014-12-31 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
SAFE IN THE LORD: a prayer to end 2014 – A picture of this safety, An assurance of this safety, Promises and conditions of this safety – Isaiah 40:27-41:10, Psalm 91 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-12-28 |
THE HISTORY OF GOD’S PEOPLE HAS MEANING THROUGH JESUS CHRIST – God exposes and fulfills our deepest need – Matthew 1:1-17, Text: Matthew 1:17 |
Dr. A J Pol |
I BELIEVE IN GOD THE FATHER, ALMIGHTY – His power, His care – Psalm 104, Confessional Reading H.C.L.D. 9 |
Dr. A J Pol |
2014-12-25 |
HOW TO CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS – Be amazed at it, Ponder its meaning, Glorify the Lord for it – Luke 1:46-55, Luke 2:1-20; Text: vv. 17-20 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-12-21 |
GOD WITH US: THE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS – The Word was made flesh, He tabernacled among us, He reveals God to us – Scripture Reading: John 1:1-18, Text: John 1:14-18 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE GLORY OF KNOWING THE TRIUNE GOD – We are blessed in the Father, We are made rich in the Son, We are sealed in the Spirit – Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1:1-14, Text: Ephesians 1:3-14, Confessional Reading H.C.L.D. 8 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-12-14 |
CHRIST’S GLORY BRINGS LIFE – The witness to the Light, The purpose of the Light, The life in the true Light – John 1:19-28, Text: John 1:6-13 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
ABOUNDING GRACE – The rebellious, The remedy, The result – Isaiah 42:18-43:21 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-12-07 |
THE DIVINE WORD – The triumphant glory of the Son who existed – In the beginning, At creation, After the fall – John 1:1-3 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
TRUE FAITH – The necessity of faith, The nature of faith, The community of faith – Scripture Reading John 3:16-18, Text Hebrews 11:1-7, Confessional Reading H.C.L.D. 7 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-11-30 |
Are You Joined to the LORD? Where revelation must stand, why people naturally fall, why believers keep going – Psalm 1, 2Peter1:17-21, John 15:1-8 |
Elder Andy Bakker reading sermon by Rev Sjirk Bajema of the Reformed Churches of New Zealand |
The Gospel Reveals God’s Blueprint for the Great Exchange – Who could make this exchange, what was involved with this exchange – Confessional Reading H.C.L.D. 6, Leviticus 16, 2Corinthians 5:9-21 |
Elder Tom Hordyk reading sermon by Rev. Stephen ‘t Hart, Free Reformed Church of Baldivis, Western Australia |
2014-11-23 |
THE PILGRIM’S PENITENCE – Titus 2:11-3:7, Text: Psalm 130 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
The Possibility of a Mediator – A question of great faith, An answer of great value – H.C.L.D. 5, Q & A 15, Scripture Reading: Matthew 15:21-31 |
Elder Brendan Toet reading sermon by Rev Joel Beeke Heritage Netherlands Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, MI |
2014-11-16 |
THE PILGRIM’S PERSEVERANCE: Christ’s church is hard pressed but not crushed – The pain endured, The pattern to follow, The price of hatred – Psalm 129 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
MAN’S SPOTLESS ORIGIN – He was made perfectly, He lived in a perfect world, He had a perfect relationship – Confessional Reading H.C.L.D. 3, Genesis 2:4-25, Text: Genesis 2:4-25 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-11-09 |
The Contrast Between Love and Hate – The Hatred of Cain and the World, The Love of Christ and the Church – 1 John 3, text 1 John 3:11-18 |
Elder Henry Nagtegaal reading Rev. Brian Cochran |
The Son of Man Reveals the Final Sign of His coming – A World Wide Manifestation of His Glory, A World Wide Declaration of His Grace – Isaiah 13:1-13, Matthew 24:29-31, Text Matthew 24:29:31 |
Elder Peter Wassenaar reading Rev. Keith Davis, Lynewood |
2014-11-02 |
THE PILGRIM’S UNDERSTANDING OF BLESSING – Blessing announced, Blessing defined, Blessing given – Scripture Reading Psalm 128 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
KNOWING YOUR SINS AND MISERIES – we can only have true comfort by knowing our sin through the law – Wrong use of the law, Right use of the law – Scripture Reading 1 Timothy 1, Text 1 Timothy 1:3-11 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-10-26 |
The Urgency Of Following Jesus – Give up all your other comforts, Yield to one task only, Never look back – Scripture Reading: Luke 9:18-27, 46-62, Text: Luke 9:57-62 |
Elder Andy Bakker reading Rev. T. VanRaalte, CanRC |
Life’s Little Detours – His crime, His flight, His preperation – Scripture Reading: Exodus 2:11-22 |
Elder Tom Hordyk reading Rev. Keith Davis |
2014-10-19 |
THE PILGRIM’S TEARS AND LAUGHTER – Scripture Reading Psalm 126 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
CHRISTIAN COMFORT – The sense of comfort, The source of comfort, The substance of comfort – Confessional Reading H.C.L.D 1, Scripture Reading Romans 8:28-39, Text II Corinthians 1:3-7 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-10-13 |
Thanksgiving Service – HIS MERCY ENDURES FOREVER – Psalm 30 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-10-12 |
THE PILGRIM’S MOTTO – Unless the Lord builds the house – Children are an inheritance, Children are a blessing – Scripture Reading Psalm 127 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
GOD’S FAITHFULNESS TO US – God is faithful because His Word is true, because He establishes us in Christ, because He has given His Spirit – Confessional Reading: Canons of Dordt 1st Head Art. 14, Scripture Reading II Corinthians 1:1-2:2, Text II Corinthians 1:18-22 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-10-05 |
COMMITMENT TO WORSHIPING AND SERVING GOD ACCEPTABLY – Our calling, Our motivation – Hebrews 12:18-29, Text: Hebrews 12:28-29 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
BE GLAD IN THE LORD, YOU RIGHTEOUS – The assurance of God’s mercy is…An incentive to godliness, A deterrent to carelessness, A means for joyfulness – Confessional Reading Canons of Dordt 5th Head, Arts. 12-15, Scripture Reading: Psalm 32, Text: Psalm 32:6-11 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-09-28 |
Praise God for His Preserving Grace – Ephesians 1:3-14, Text: Ephesians 1:11-14 |
Pastor Brian Cochran |
The Hope, Confidence, and Power of Knowing God – Ephesians 1:15-23, Text: Ephesians 1:17-19 |
Pastor Brian Cochran |
2014-09-21 |
THE PILGRIM’S SECURITY – God encircles His people – The protector of Zion, The rod of Zion, The strength of Zion – Psalm 125 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE UNPARDONABLE SIN – What is the sin against the Holy Spirit? Who are the ones who commit this sin? How is the warning against it for our comfort? – Canons of Dordt 5th Head, Arts. 9-11, Scripture Reading: Matt.12:31,32; Heb. 5:12-6:12 Text: Hebrews 6:4-6 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-09-14 |
Sermon: “THE PILGRIM’S ‘WHAT IF?’ Faith recalls God’s presence in the midst of life’s hazards – What could have happened, What did happen – Psalm 124 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE PRESERVING GRACE OF GOD – Saints may fall into sin, Saints may hurt themselves by sin, Saints will never fall away from grace -Canons of Dordt 5th Head, Arts. 4-8, Scripture Reading Psalm 32, Text: Psalm 32:1-5 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-09-07 |
KYRIE ELEISON, A CRY FOR MERCY – In it we see – The plea through longing eyes, The prayer of apprehension, The patient spirit of submission – Psalm 123 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
A SALVATION TO REJOICE IN – The elect are given new birth, The elect have gained an indestructible inheritance, The elect are guarded by the power of God -Canons of Dordt 5th, Arts. 1-3, Scripture Reading: I Peter 1:1-21, Text: I Peter 1:3-5 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-08-31 |
THE PILGRIM’S JOY IN JERUSALEM – The prospect of worship, The purpose of worship, The permanence of worship – Scripture Reading: Psalm 122 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
EFFICACIOUS GRACE – The new birth is Indispensable, Incomprehensible, Irresistible – Confessional Reading: Canons of Dordt 3rd/4th Head, Arts. 11-13, Scripture Reading: Matthew 9:9-13, John 3:1-21 Text: John 3:1-8 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-08-24 |
A Precious Promise – Isaiah 43:22-44:8, Text: Isaiah 44:1-5 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
Clean Garments for the High Priest – Theme: How are you made righteous before God? – Scripture Reading: Zechariah 3, Confessional Reading, Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 23 QA 60, Text: Zechariah 3:1-7 |
Elder Ken Cavers reading sermon by Rev. Keith. Davis |
2014-08-17 |
Christ Uses Peter’s Passionate Pentecost Preaching, Peter’s Message vs. 40, The Response vs 41 – Scripture Reading: Acts 2, Text: Acts 2:40-41 |
Elder Henry Nagtegaal reading Rev. Wes Bredenhof |
The necessity of good works – Scripture Reading: James 2:14-24, Text: Lord’s Day 32 |
Elder Brendan Toet reading Dr. J. Beeke |
2014-08-10 |
Sent to bear Witness of the Light – Scripture Reading: John 1:1-13, Text: John 1:7 |
Rev. Ernie Langendoen |
My King of Zion – Scripture Reading: Psalm 2, Text: Psalm 2:6 |
Rev. Ernie Langendoen |
2014-08-03 |
THE PILGRIM’S PSALM FOR SAFETY – The need for help, The nature of help – Psalm 121 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
TOTAL INABILITY – The bad news about man, The good news for man – Confessional Reading: Canons of Dordt 3rd/4th Head, Arts. 1-3, Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:1-13, Text: Ephesians 2:1-5 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-07-27 |
THE DISTRESSED PILGRIM – The appeal, The answer, The approach – Psalm 120 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
FOR WHOM DID CHRIST TASTE DEATH? – The Shepherd knows His sheep, The Shepherd saves His sheep, The Shepherd seeks His sheep – Confessional Reading: Canons of Dordt 2nd Head, Arts. 8-9, Scripture Reading: John 10:7-30, Text: John 10:14-18 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-07-20 |
MY GOD IS RECONCILED – The nature of reconciliation, The objects of reconciliation, The ministry of reconciliation – Canons of Dordt 2nd Head, Arts. 1-5, Scripture Reading: II Corinthians 5:12-21, Text: II Corinthians 5:18-19 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
SIN’S SELF-DECEPTION – John proclaims that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all, To deny heretical teaching (v 8), To encourage faithful confession (v9) – Scripture Reading: 1 John 1:5-2:10, Text: 1 John 1:8-9 |
Pastor Todd deRooy |
2014-07-13 |
COMPROMISE WITH THE WORLD – Further reforms brought by the Lord’s servant – Decay that was uncovered, Discipline that was used, Devotion that was uttered – Nehemiah 13 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE PURPOSE OF GOD’S DECREE – To show His mercy, To display His power, To make known the riches of His glory – Romans 9, Confessional Reading: Canons of Dordt 1st Head, Arts. 15,18, Text: Romans 9:14-29 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-07-06 |
A JOYFUL DEDICATION: after the work was done, the Lord gathered His people to worship Him – Necessary preparation for this worship, Joyous participation in this worship, Kind provision of this worship – Nehemiah 12:27-47 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
A TRUE AWARENESS OF ELECTION – Discovering its root, Pursuing its fruit – I John 4:13-21, Confessional Reading: Canons of Dordt 1st Head, Arts. 12,13 RE 7, Text: I John 2:28-3:3 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-06-29 |
REVIVAL AND REVIVALISM PART 2 – The Lord leads His people to confession of sin – It is expressed with true sorrow, It is filled with an acknowledgement of God’s goodness, It is complete with renewed obedience – Nehemiah 9 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
GOD’S LOVE THROUGH HIS ELECTING GRACE – Election’s foundation, Its focus, Its goal – Ephesians 1, Confessional Reading: Canons of Dordt 1st Head, Arts. 6-8, Text: Ephesians 1:4-6 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-06-22 |
Reminders and Assurances of Holy Baptism – Christ Is the End of the Law – God Calls a People to Himself – The Regenerating Work of the Holy Spirit – Hebrews 10:1-18, Confessional Reference: Belgic Confession Article 34 |
Rev. John Vermeer of Oak Glen URC (Lansing, IL) |
Reflecting God as Christians – In Speech, In Attitude, In Action – Ephesians 4:25-32 |
Rev. John Vermeer of Oak Glen URC (Lansing, IL) |
2014-06-15 |
CARICATURES OF CALVINISM – John 6:41-47, 10:22-30, II Thessalonians 2:13, 14, Confessional Reading: Canons of Dortd 1st Head, Arts. 1-5, RE 1,7 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
REVIVAL AND REVIVALISM – The Lord brings His people back to His Word – The centrality of the Word, The response to the Word – Nehemiah 8 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-06-08 |
GOD’S GRACE GENERATES MOSES’ PASSIONATE PENTECOST PRAYER – The work of the Holy Spirit – Numbers 11 Text: Numbers 11:29 |
Elder Tom Hordyk reading Dr. Wes Bredenhof, PRC, Hamilton, ON |
THE GREATEST COMMANDMENT – Jesus brings good out of evil, Love as the fulfillment of the law, The totality of love, Close, yet not in the kingdom, True love inseparably connected to saving faithfulness – Matthew 22:34-40 |
Elder Peter Wassenaar reading Rev. Ted Gray, First URC, Oak Lawn, IL |
2014-06-01 |
THE PRAYER FOR SANCTIFICATION – We acknowledge our weakness, We ask for deliverance – Luke 22:39-62, Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 52 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
A CHARGE TO LEADERS – Be right with God, Shepherd the flock, Guard the flock – Luke 22:39-62, Confessional Reading: LD 5, Text: Matthew 6:13 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-05-29 |
THE ASCENSION: the close of Christ’s earthly ministry and the beginning of His heavenly ministry – We are under His continual blessing, We are called to constant praise – Psalm 47, Luke 24:36-43; Text: vv. 50-53 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-05-25 |
Our Lord Jesus shows us God’s patience is for bearing fruit. His patience: runs in the news, runs in the parable, ran out in 70 AD, may run out in 2014 AD – Luke 12:54 – 13:9 |
Rev. Steve Vandevelde, Carman East Can.R.C. |
Jesus Christ baptizes us into his name – The meaning of his name, the forgiveness in his name, the renewal in his name. – Acts 21:40-22:16, Confessional Reading H.C.L.D. 26 |
Rev. Steve Vandevelde, Carman East Can.R.C. |
2014-05-18 |
THE RETROFITTING OF ZION – The Lord motivates continued efforts to restore Jerusalem as a – Safe city. Settled city, Spirit-led city – Nehemiah 7:1-6, 66-73 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
A CRY FOR FORGIVENESS – What this petition means, What this petition implies – Ephesians 4:25-32, I John 1:5-2:14, Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 51 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-05-11 |
PRESSURES, PRIORITIES AND PRAYER – The Lord’s triumph over Satan’s additional attacks – Compromise through a truce, Slander through a letter, Intimidation through a prophet, Perseverance through God’s servant – Nehemiah 6 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
A CRY FOR SUSTENANCE – We see our need: ‘our daily bread’, We acknowledge our Source: ‘our Father, We make our request: ‘give us this day’ – II Kings 4:1-7; Matt. 6:25-34, Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 50 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-05-04 |
RICH MAN, POOR MAN – the Lord uses His servant to relieve the poor, Love lacking, Love required, Love exemplified – Nehemiah 5 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
YOUR WILL BE DONE – What are we not saying when we pray this? What are we saying when we pray this? How do we put away our own will and submit? – Psalm 119:25-48, Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 49Text: Matthew 6:10 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-04-27 |
UNDER ATTACK! The Lord causes the rebuilding to continue in the face of enemies – Satan’s minions, Security measures, Subsequent counter-moves – Nehemiah 4 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
YOUR KINGDOM COME – Whose kingdom is it? What is the kingdom? How does the kingdom come? – Matthew 4:17-25, 12:22-30, 13:44-52, Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 48 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-04-20 |
THE RISEN CHRIST – The significance of the resurrection is seen in – The stone rolled away, The messenger from God, The message to the women, The appearance of Jesus – Matthew 27:57-28:20, Text Matthew 28:1-10 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE GOSPEL IN A NUTSHELL: Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life – They must believe, I may believe, We do believe – John 3:1-21, H.C.L.D.7 |
Rev. den Hollander |
2014-04-18 |
Good Friday Service Information not yet available |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
WICKED ACCUSATIONS AT THE CRUCIFIXION – From people of all walks of life, For every false reason, While Christ was forsaken by God – Mathew 27:1-54 Text Matthew 27:39-44 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-04-13 |
THE WICKED VINEGROWERS – In this parable, Jesus exposes the wickedness of Israel’s entrusted leaders – The greatest opportunity, The greatest sin, The greatest doom – Matthew 21:1-17 Text: Matthew 21:33-46 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
HALLOWED BE YOUR NAME – What it means to hallow God’s name, How we hallow God’s name – Numbers 20:1-13, Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 47, Text: Matthew 6:9b |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-04-06 |
THE LORD ENGAGES HIS PEOPLE – Working hard, Working in harmony, Working for history (‘His’ story) – Nehemiah 3 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
We address our God with the words “OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN” because it reminds us that God is our Heavenly Father and it reminds us that we are children of God – John 8:31-47; Gal. 4:4-7 Confessional Reading H.C.L.D. 46 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-03-30 |
God wrestles with Jacob and renames him “Israel” to prepare him to meet his brother Esau. We’ll see how Jacob prepares to meet Esau, God wrestles with Jacob, Israel receives God’s blessing. – Genesis 32 |
Rev. Joe Poppe |
God desires His children to live in prayerful communion with Him. To pray as Christ commanded us – We must truly know God, we must be aware of our need and misery, we must expect all good through Christ alone. – 2 Corinthians 4, Belgic Confession Art. 26, LD 45 |
Rev. Joe Poppe |
2014-03-23 |
GOD WILL GIVE SUCCESS – Encouragement to serve the Lord – Authorization, Examination, Motivation, Determination – Nehemiah 2 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE CURE FOR UNLAWFUL DESIRES – What is coveting? What is contentment? How do we learn contentment? – Philippians 4, Philippians 4:10-13, H.C.L.D. 44 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-03-16 |
A VERY PRESENT HELP IN TROUBLE – Hard news given, Trouble felt, Blessings asked – Nehemiah 1 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
TELL THE TRUTH – What is bearing false witness? Why is it wrong? How can it be prevented? – Acts 5:1-11, text Exodus 20:16, H.C.L.D. 43 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-03-09 |
WHAT BELONGS TO ME BELONGS TO GOD – What is stealing? Why is it wrong? How can it be prevented? – Joshua 7, H.C.L.D. 42 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE SPIRIT OF LIFE, THE SPIRIT OF ADOPTION – The indwelling of the Spirit leads to dying to sin, The witness of the Spirit assures of sonship – Romans 8:1-17 Text: Romans 8:12-17 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-03-02 |
NO MORE PARABLES – The advantage of Christ’s departure from this world – Full clarity in Christ, Real joy in the midst of grief, Good cheer in tribulation – John 16, John 16:16-33 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
OUR SEXUALITY MATTERS TO GOD – The cost of sexual folly, The deadly sin of sexual lust, The strategy against sexual temptation – Proverbs 6:20-7:27, H.C.L.D. 41 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-02-23 |
JESUS THE GOOD SHEPHERD – His personality, His provision, His protection – John 10:1-21 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
NO UNLAWFUL KILLING – What is forbidden? What is commanded? – Numbers 35, IJohn 3:10-15, Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 40 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-02-16 |
THE VINE AND ITS BRANCHES – Glorifying God by abiding in Christ – The proof of discipleship through fruit bearing, The work of the Vinedresser, The joy of a disciple – John 15:1-11 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
HONOUR PARENTAL AUTHORITY – Why is this commandment given? How should you honour your parents? – H.C.L.D. 39 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-02-09 |
Giving Thanks Even When It Hurts – Job’s Fiery Trial – Job’s Faithful Response – Job 1 |
Elder Henry Nagtegaal reading Rev. Keith Davies |
The Alpha and the Omega – The revelation of Jesus Christ, The central role of Christ, Christ in His post ascension glory – Rev. 1:4-20, Daniel 7:13-14 |
Elder Sandy Siepman reading Rev. K. Riddlebarger, Anaheim, CA, URC |
2014-02-02 |
THE TEN VIRGINS – The Lord’s coming…is delayed so we must not be distracted , will come without warning so we must be watchful, will be final so we must not be foolish – Matthew 25:1-13 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
A SONG FOR THE FESTIVE DAY OF REST – We have a day appointed for celebration, We have a God worthy of high and eternal thoughts, We have vigor and vitality in God’s house – Psalm 92, Confessional Reading H.C.L.D. 38 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-01-26 |
ROCK OR SAND – Two builders, Two foundations, The safe house – Matthew 7:1-29 Text: Matthew 7:24-27 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
EXALT THE LORD IN HOLINESS – Exalt the Lord for His awesome character, Exalt the Lord for His justice and goodness, Exalt the Lord for His mercy and nearness – H.C.L.D. 36, 37 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-01-19 |
THE TWO DEBTORS – Jesus teaches only when we are aware of our debt to God can we show loving gratitude to Christ – The people, The parable, The principles – Luke 7:36-50 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
HEZEKIAH AND THE SECOND COMMANDMENT – Faithful in destroying images, Faithful in restoring worship – 1 Kings 18:1-8, 2 Chronicles 29:1-19 – H.C.L.D. 35 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-01-12 |
THE PARABLE OF THE UNJUST JUDGE – In this parable Jesus says we must always pray and not lose heart – Why we are to pray, How we are to pray – Luke 18:1-8 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE FIRST COMMANDMENT AGAINST IDOLATRY – A royal folly, A real tragedy, A rightful test – I Kings 9:1-9, Ecclesiastes 2:1-11, H.C.L.D. 34 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014-01-05 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
The essence of the Law, The properties of the Law, Our response to the Law – Exodus 34: 1-11, Romans 7: 7-12, H.C.L.D. 34 text: Romans 7: 12 |
Elder Peter Wassenaar reading sermon by Rev. W. Oord, Trinity Ref. Church in Lethbridge, AB |
2014-01-01 |
2013 New Year’s Eve: THE LORD’S TENDER PITY – How, Whom and Why God Pities – Isaiah 41:1-20, Psalm 103; Text: vv. 13-18 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2014 New Year’s Day: THE TALENTS – A PARABLE FOR THE NEW YEAR – In this parable, Jesus speaks about using our gifts – The servants, The significance, The Saviour – Matthew 25:14-30 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |