Date |
Morning Service |
Afternoon Service |
2016-10-30 |
FAITHFUL UNTIL DEATH – Encouragement in the midst of persecution, Jesus sees His church in her suffering, Jesus speaks to His church in her suffering, Jesus sees and speaks to His church today – Scripture Reading: Revelation 2:1-17 Text: Revelation 2:8-11 |
Pastor Anjema |
GOD’S WILL IN THE FOURTH COMMANDMENT – The reason for the Sabbath, The rest from the Sabbath – Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 38, Scripture Reading: Isaiah 58:13,14, Matthew 12:1-14, Text: Exodus 20:8-11 |
Pastor Anjema |
2016-10-23 |
GOT THIRST? – Theme: Jesus’ invitation to come to him and drink. – The Festive Occasion of Jesus’ Invitation, The Freeness of Jesus’ Invitation, The Fulfillment of Jesus’ Invitation – Scripture Reading: John 7:37-39 |
Pastor Cochran |
PRAYING WITH THANKSGIVING – Theme: Why Should We Pray With Thanksgiving? Because it’s Scriptural, Because it’s a shield against fear and self-absorption, Because it shows appropriate gratitude for amazing grace – Confessional Reading: Lord’s Day 45, Q&A 116, Scripture Reading: Philippians 4:4-6, Text: Philippians 4:6 |
Pastor Cochran |
2016-10-16 |
A FRIEND OF GOD – Sarah’s encouragement, God’s confidant, Abraham’s intercession – Scripture Reading: Genesis 18 |
Pastor Anjema |
GOD’S WILL IN THE THIRD COMMANDMENT – He forbids the profaning of His name, He requires the reverent use of His name – Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 36, 37, Scripture Reading: Leviticus 24:13-23; Psalm 8, Text: Exodus 20:7 |
Pastor Anjema |
2016-10-10 |
THANKSGIVING DAY SERVICE: GIVE THANKS! -for His promise, His power, His pardon – Scripture Reading: Psalm 98 – Scripture Reading: 1 Chronicles 16:8-36 |
Pastor Anjema |
2016-10-09 |
THE PLEDGE OF PROMISE – The God of the covenant, The changes from the covenant, The sign of the covenant – Scripture Reading: Genesis 17 |
Pastor Anjema |
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GOD’S WILL IN THE SECOND COMMANDMENT – This sin explained, This error illustrated, This command applied – Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 35 Scripture Reading: Acts 17:22-34, Text: Exodus 20:4-6 |
Pastor Anjema |
2016-10-02 |
THE THRONE OF GRACE – We have confidence to approach God through Christ – Calling, Motive, Resource, Scripture Reading: Hebrews 4 Text: Hebrews 4:14-16 |
Pastor Anjema |
GOD’S WILL IN THE FIRST COMMANDMENT – We’re to abhor idolatry, We’re to love God only – Confessional Reading: LD 34 q/a 94,95 Scripture Reading: Acts 17:1-21 |
Pastor Anjema |
2016-09-25 |
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Dr. Andrew Pol, Carman West CanRC |
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Dr. Andrew Pol, Carman West CanRC |
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2016-09-18 |
In faith obey God’s call to live with Him on the way towards a better Homeland – God Calls us – to go out from the idolatrous world, to stay away from the idolatrous world, to be a “sojourner” in the idolatrous world, Scripture Reading: Genesis 12:1-7; 2Cor.6:11-18; Heb 11:1-10. Text: Hebrews 11: 8-10 |
Rev Klaas Jonker |
The Church is a marker of God’s salvation in Christ – The Church marks – God’s Glory, God’s Truth, God’s Purpose, Scripture Reading: Joshua 4:19-24; 1 Timothy 3:1-17, Text: 1Tim 3:15b; Heidelberg Catechism QA 54 |
Rev Klaas Jonker |
2016-09-11 |
GRACE FOR THE CHIEF OF SINNERS – It awakens thanks, It incites humility, It motivates praise |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
OFFER YOURSELF TO GOD – Understand your union, Consider your identity, Yield to your calling – Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 32, Scripture Reading: Romans 6:1-14 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
2016-09-04 |
MORE INSTRUCTION ON THE FAMILY: SINGLENESS – The freedom you have to remain single, The freedom you have when you are single,The freedom required to handle being single – Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 7:25-40 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
THE POWER OF THE KEYS – Who administers them? How are they to be administered? – Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 31, Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 5:1-8; Matthew 18:15-20 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
2016-08-28 |
PERSEVERE IN PRAYER, EVEN IN THE DARK PLACES (Dr. Wes Bredenhof) – The deep pain of the psalmist, Direction for believers today, Another was damned in our place. – Scripture Reading: Psalm 88 |
Elder Ken Cavers |
WHEN GOOD PEOPLE GROW WEARY (Kevin DeYoung, PCA)- If we are to prevail – We need to fight, We need each other, We need the LORD. – Scripture Reading: Exodus 17:8-16 |
Elder Joe Ruiter |
2016-08-21 |
THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS IN THE MIDST OF YOU (Rev Nick Smith, URC) – The Presence of the kingdom, The future of the kingdom, The life of the kingdom – Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 5:9-14; Luke 17 |
Elder Andy Bakker |
A CONFESSION OF CONFIDENCE AND YET MORE CONFIDENCE (Dr. Wes Bredenhof) – The cornerstone of this confidence, The contours of this confidence, The consequences of this confidence – Scripture Reading: Matthew 6:25-34, Text: Psalm 27: 1-3, 13, 14 |
Elder Gil Hordyk |
2016-08-14 |
JESUS FEEDS THE FIVE THOUSAND – Jesus feeds the five thousand as a sign of Jesus’ Deity and A New Exodus – Scripture Reading: John 6: 1-15 |
Pastor Cochran |
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JESUS WALKS ON WATER – The power and comfort of Jesus’ presence in the storm of life – The Storm of Life, Jesus’ Powerful Presence, Jesus’ Comforting Presence – Scripture Reading: John 6:16-21 |
Pastor Cochran |
2016-08-07 |
THE WIFE’S ROLE – Submission is to be true of every Christian, Submission is to be spiritually motivated, Submission is to be loving and willing – Scripture Reading: Ephesians 5:22-33 |
Pastor Anjema |
COMMUNING WITH CHRIST – What are we doing when we have the Lord’s Supper? Who may attend the Lord’s Supper? What can communicants expect from the Lord’s Supper? – Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 11:17-32, Confessional Reading: LDs 29-30 |
Pastor Anjema |
2016-07-31 |
Jesus teaches that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God. – We’ll see: The false security that riches give, The miraculous salvation God provides, The call to love Jesus above all else, Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 6:6-19, Text: Luke 18:18-30 |
Pastor Joe Poppe (Redeemer CanRC Winnipeg) |
Christ Jesus shows forth His hospitality by instituting the Lord’s Supper as a feast to be celebrated by His church.- We’ll see that it is: a meal of remembrance, a meal of communion, a meal of expectation – Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 28, Scripture Reading: Exodus 12:1-14; Luke 22:7-23; Revelation 19:1-9 |
Pastor Joe Poppe (Redeemer CanRC Winnipeg) |
2016-07-24 |
GOD’S SOVEREIGNTY AND OUR RESPONSIBILITY – Not needing human hands, yet using them, Believers are not immune from tears and doubts, Moving from fear to faith, God’s sovereign purpose in individual lives – Scripture Reading: Esther 4 |
Elder Bernie Bakker (Sermon by Pastor Ted Gray, First United Reformed Church, Oak Lawn, Illinois) |
COVENANT HOUSEHOLD BAPTISM – Unbiblical reasons for the baptism of children, Biblical reasons for baptizing the children of believers, How baptism assures us of God’s promises – Scripture Reading: Gen 17:1-4, Acts 2:36-39, Acts 16:30-34, Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 27 |
Elder Henry Nagtegaal (Sermon by Pastor Brian Cochran, Regina URC) |
2016-07-17 |
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Pastor Rich Anjema |
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Pastor Rich Anjema |
2016-07-10 |
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Pastor Rich Anjema |
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Pastor Rich Anjema |
2016-07-03 |
THE CUTTING OF A COVENANT – Founded on a promise, Confirmed by a sign, Detailed with reality – Scripture Reading: Genesis 15 – Not yet available! |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
JUSTIFICATION AND GOOD WORKS – The law cannot save us, Grace does not encourage sin, Christ is the only way – Scripture Reading: Galatians 2, Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 24, Text: Galatians 2:15-21 – Not yet available! |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
2016-06-26 |
THE UNSHAKEABLE TRUTH OF OUR SALVATION – Given by grace alone, Received by faith alone, Completed by Christ alone – Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 23 Q&A60, Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:1-10, Text: Ephesians 2:8,9 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
THE HUSBAND’S ROLE – Responsible authority, Sacrificial love – Scripture Reading: Ephesians 5:21-33 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
2016-06-19 |
HE MUST INCREASE, I MUST DECREASE – A Perennial Problem: Envy, A Key Principle: We Are Receiver of God’s Gifts, A Joyful Attitude: Christ is the Bridegroom!, A Necessary Goal: Christ Must Increase – Scripture Reading: John 3:22-36 |
Pastor Brian Cochran (Regina Redeemer Reformation Church) |
WALKING BY SIGHT VS. WALKING BY FAITH – Walking by Sight, Walking by Faith – Scripture Reading: John 4:43-54 |
Pastor Brian Cochran (Regina Redeemer Reformation Church) |
2016-06-12 |
Sermon: “ABRAM AND THE KINGS – Courage in the face of kings, Conflict before two kings, Compensation from God’s King – Scripture Reading: Genesis 14 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
I BELIEVE IN THE RESURRECTION OF THE BODY – What happens to the soul? What happens to the body? What will happen to body and soul? – Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:35-49, Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 22 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
2016-06-05 |
FOUNDATIONS OF A BLESSED FAMILY – A joint submission to God’s Word, A common desire for God’s glory, A sincere expression of God’s love – Scripture Reading: Ephesians 5:22-6:4 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
A BUILDING IN PROGRESS – Beautiful in design, Holy in structure, United in strength – Scripture Reading: Exodus 26:1-37, Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 21 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
2016-05-29 |
Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do. – The people, The petition, The purpose. – Scripture Reading: Luke 23:26-49, Sermon: Luke 23:34a |
Rev. Steven Vandevelde, Carman East CanRef |
The Holy Spirit makes sure we share in Christ- In the person of Christ, in the benefits of Christ – Confessional Reading H.C.L.D. 20, Scripture Reading 1 Cor 1:26 – 2:16 |
Rev. Steven Vandevelde, Carman East CanRef |
2016-05-22 |
A PARTING OF THE WAYS – Need for separation, Exercise of godliness during separation, True inheritance given after separation – Scripture Reading: Genesis 13 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
SEATED AT GOD’S RIGHT HAND – The majesty of His reign in the midst of wickedness, The comfort of His reign for the Church – Confessional Reading H.C.L.D. 19, Scripture Reading: Psalm 2 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
2016-05-15 |
PENTECOST- PETER’S GREATEST SERMON – Proclamation, Explanation, Conviction – Acts 2:14-39 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
HE DESCENDED INTO HELL – Christ’s suffering and our suffering, Christ suffered to bring us to God, The encouraging example of Noah’s suffering, We can be confident that God will save us – Scripture Reading 1 Peter 3:8-22, Confessional Reading H.C.L.D. 16 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
2016-05-08 |
THE FAMILY OF PROMISE – Promises of God’s covenant grace still shared today – Abram’s call, Abram’s obedience, Abram’s worship – Scripture Reading: Genesis 11:27-12:9 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
HE SUFFERED UNDER PONTIUS PILATE – Through cross-examination, By repudiation, In capitulation – Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 15, Scripture Reading: Matthew 27:11-26 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
2016-05-01 |
THE TOWER OF BABEL – The necessity of confusion, The author of confusion, the outcome of confusion – Scripture Reading: Genesis 11:1-9 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
WORDS AGAINST DENIERS AND DECEIVERS – Warmest greetings, Walk in the truth, Watch out – Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D.14, Scripture Reading: 1 John 4:1-6, Text: 2 John 1-13 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
2016-04-24 |
Jesus shows himself to be the restorer of life. – The brokenness of life, The healing Jesus provides, The peace that faith brings. – Scripture Reading: Luke 8:40-56; Lev 15:25-31, Text: Luke 8:42b-48 |
Pastor Joe Poppe |
We confess Jesus as Gods Son and our Lord – Jesus is Gods Son and we are Gods children, Jesus is our Lord and we are his disciples. – Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D.13, Scripture Reading: Psalm 2; Matthew 16:13-28 |
Pastor Joe Poppe |
2016-04-17 |
A PUZZLING SIN AND THE RESULT – The warnings, The reactions, The oracles – Scripture Reading: Genesis 9:18-29 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
JESUS ANOINTED TO PROCLAIM LIBERTY – The question, The answer, The blessing – Confessional Reading: LD 12, Scripture Reading: Matthew 11:1-19 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
2016-04-10 |
THE COVENANT WITH CREATION-Part 2 – Preservation through dominion, through Gods provision and through capital punishment – Scripture Reading: Romans 13:1-7 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
JESUS AUTHORITY TO FORGIVE – Demonstrated, Questioned, Validated – Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 11, Scripture Reading: Luke 5:12-26 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
2016-04-03 |
THE COVENANT WITH CREATION – The details of this covenant, The need for this covenant, The sign of this covenant – Scripture Reading: Genesis 8:15-9:17, Text: Genesis 8:20-22; 9:8-17 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
ADVENTURES OF THE ARK – Is God in control or is everything by chance? – The sovereignty of God, the severity of God, the sanctity of God – Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 10, Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 6:1-7:1 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
2016-03-27 |
WITH CHRIST AT THE RESURRECTION – Its reality, Its effect, Its acceptance – Scripture Reading: Matthew 28:1-20, Text: Matthew 28:16,17 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
I BELIEVE IN GOD THE FATHER ALMIGHTY – A confession concerning the unique relationship we have with God the Father, We confess a special care, We confess a unique bond – Scripture Reading: Isaiah 43:1-7, Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 9, Text: Exodus 19:1-6 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
2016-03-25 |
Good Friday Service – WITH CHRIST IN GETHSEMANE – The anguish, The appeal, The answer – Scripture Reading: Matthew 27:45-56, Matthew 26:36-46 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
2016-03-20 |
HAIL TO THE KING! – The King obtains His property, The King shows His humility, The King receives His glory – Scripture Reading: Matthew 21:1-11 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
By sovereign grace the last will be first – Scripture reading: Matthew 19:16-30, Text: Matthew 20:1-16 |
Elder Tom Hordyk reading Dr. Wes Bredenhof, Free Reformed Church of Launceston, Tasmania. |
2016-03-13 |
THE FLOOD – Deliverance comes from God, Deliverance comes through faith in action, Deliverance comes sometimes with unpleasant experiences – Scripture Reading: Genesis 7:1-8:14 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
WITNESSING THE GLORY OF GOD’S SON – What Peter said, What God said, What we say – Scripture Reading: Matthew 17:1-13 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
2016-03-06 |
God’s Word of grace challenges the faith of Obadiah – By exposing his pride (3-5,12-13), By confessing his fear (9-14), By renewing his confidence (15-16) – Scripture Reading: 1 Kings 18:1-16, Text: 1 Kings 18:1-16 |
Pastor Ancel Merwin from Thunder Bay URC |
The LORD God contends for His people on Mt.Carmel – By confronting the king with his sin (16-19), By humbling the people with fire (20-40) – Scripture Reading: 1 Kings 18:16-40, Text: 1 Kings 18:16-40 |
Pastor Ancel Merwin from Thunder Bay URC |
2016-02-28 |
GOD’S GRIEF OVER MAN – God insulted, God intervened, God instructs – Scripture Reading: Genesis 6 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
THE GREAT THREE IN ONE – The doctrine stated, The doctrine in Scripture, The doctrine’s significance – Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 8, Scripture Reading: Matthew 3, Text: Matthew 3:16,17 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
2016-02-21 |
DARK CLOUDS BUT BRIGHT HOPE – Dawn and dusk, Death and life, Dust and relief – Scripture Reading: Genesis 5 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
CHRIST’S GREAT BENEDICTION” – The beatitude for believers, The blessing of believing – Scripture Reading: John 20:24-31, Text: John 20:29-31 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
2016-02-14 |
THE BEGINNING OF CIVILIZATION – The line of Cain – disdain for God, The line of Seth – devoted to God – Genesis 4:16-26 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
SOLA FIDE – FAITH ALONE – Faith alone for Abraham, Faith alone for David, Faith alone for Gentiles – Scripture Reading: Romans 4, Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 7, Text: Romans 4:1-15 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
2016-02-07 |
THE WAY OF CAIN – His motive in worship, His response to warnings, His mark from God – Scripture Reading: Genesis 4:1-15 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
CHRIST BRINGS RECONCILIATION: The problem, The pardon, The plea – Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 6, Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 5, Text: 2 Corinthians 5:9-21 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
2016-01-31 |
THE LORD GOD PROCLAIMS THE GENEALOGY OF CHRIST THE KING – His genealogy proves his right, displays his reign, demands allegiance – Scripture Reading: 2 Sam 7:1-17; Matt 1:1-17, Text: Matt 1:17 |
Rev. Steve Vandevelde of Grace CanRC Winnipeg |
SATISFYING GOD IS THE ONLY WAY OF ESCAPING PUNISHMENT. – Our need to satisfy God, Our failure to satisfy God, Our hope to satisfy God – Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D.5, Scripture Reading: Genesis 4:1-12, Hebrews 11:1-4 |
Rev. Steve Vandevelde of Grace CanRC Winnipeg |
2016-01-24 |
LIVING WORTHILY IN THE CHURCH (Part 2)- The ultimate example of selflessness – Put others first before yourself, Receive others as Christ received you – Scripture Reading: Philippians 2:1-11, Text: Romans 15:1-13 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
PARADISE LOST: JUDGMENT AND GRACE – The curse upon the serpent, The curse upon the woman, The curse upon Adam and the earth, The hope for man – Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 4, Scripture Reading: Genesis 3:8-24 Text: Genesis 3:14-19 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
2016-01-17 |
MAN AND WOMAN, BY GOD’S DESIGN – Man’s need, God’s supply, Marriage ordained – Scripture Reading: Genesis 2:18-25 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
THE ORIGIN AND CONSEQUENCES OF DISOBEDIENCE – Deception’s power, Temptation’s hour, Corruption’s sour – Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D.3, Scripture Reading: Romans 5:12-21, Text: Genesis 3:1-7 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
2016-01-10 |
THE ANATOMY OF SIN – How Sin is Born, How Sin is Resisted – Scripture Reading: James 1:1-18 |
Elder Gerald Steendam reading sermon by Rev. Keith Davis, URC |
Out of His grace, God gives us His holy law. We consider-Not a superficial, but a penetrating demand, Not a hopeless, but an ongoing struggle, Not a worthy, but a loving obedience – Scripture Reading: Romans 2:12-29; 7:7-25, Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 2 |
Elder Joe Ruiter reading sermon by Rev. Reuben Bredenhof of the Free Reformed Church of Mt. Nasura, Western Australia |
2016-01-03 |
IN EDEN – Man in the garden: His nature, His position, His relationship – Scripture Reading: Genesis 2:4-17 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
THE ONLY COMFORT OF BELIEVERS – Pardon, Preservation, A Pledge – Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D.1, Scripture Reading: Titus 2, Text: Titus 2:11-14 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
2016-01-01 |
Jesus said that meek are blessed because they will inherit the earth: How the meek are blessed, How the meek inherit the earth – Jeremiah 31: 31-34, Numbers 12: 1-9, Numbers 20:10-13, Text: Matthew 5:5 |
Mr Han Lee, Canadian Reformed Church Hamilton Seminary |