Date |
Morning Service |
Afternoon Service |
2017-12-03 |
WHY JESUS CAME (Part 2) – To make us partakers of God’s nature, To make us participants of God’s power – Confessional Reading: Lord’s Day 6, Scripture Reading: 2 Peter 1:1-11 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
WHY JESUS CAME (Part 3) – To bring peace: He became our peace, He preaches peace – Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:11-22, Text: Ephesians 2:14-18 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
2017-12-03 |
WHY JESUS CAME (Part 1) – To destroy the devil and his work, To be a merciful and faithful High Priest – Scripture Reading: Hebrews 2, Text: Hebrews 2:14-18 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
ONLY ONE GOSPEL – The potential of losing it, The problem of adding to it, The people who promote it – Confessional Reading: Belgic Conf. Art. 7, Scripture Reading: Galatians 1:6-10 |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
2017-11-26 |
IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, RISE UP AND WALK – This command is for the lame man, Jews, world. – Scripture Reading: Acts 3-4:4 Text: Acts 3:6 |
Pastor Steve Vandevelde |
IN SPITE OF ALL OUR FOES, SALVATION BELONGS TO THE LORD – This is: David’s song, Jesus Christ’s song, our song – Scripture Reading: 2 Samuel 15: 1-30; 16:5-14 Text: Psalm 3 |
Pastor Steve Vandevelde |
2017-11-19 |
JOSEPH TESTED – The Lord’s favour strengthened Joseph while he lived in Potiphar’s house. We see: Commitment to the Lord through dangerous temptations, Kept by the Lord in prison – Scripture Reading: Genesis 39 |
Pastor Anjema |
THE CANONICAL BOOKS – Why do we say the books of the Bible are canonical, How do we receive these books? – Confessional Reading: Belgic Conf. Arts. 4-6, Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 4:1-14, Luke 24:44-49 |
Pastor Anjema |
2017-11-12 |
IF BY FAITH, THEN NOT BY WORKS (Dr. Kim Riddlebarger) – Scripture Reading: Galatians 2: 15-21 |
Elder B Bakker |
THE SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE FAMILY (Dr. Wes Bredenhof) – Jesus reveals a re-formed: Attitude towards children, Imitation of children – Scripture Reading: Genesis 17, Mark 10:13-16 |
Elder J Ruiter |
2017-11-05 |
THE SHAME AND HONOUR OF JUDAH’S FAMILY- Crisis in the line of Judah because of many sins, Judah’s sin led to a shameful act with Tamar, God’s purpose of grace – Scripture Reading: Genesis 38 |
Pastor Anjema |
THE GLORIOUS PURPOSE OF THE WRITTEN WORD – It is inspired, It is accessible, It is to be heard and lived by – Confessional Reading: Belgic Conf. Art. 3, Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 30:11-20 |
Pastor Anjema |
2017-10-29 |
A MIGHTY FORTRESS – The psalm of faith promising the Lord’s: Protection, Presence, Peace – Scripture Reading: Psalm 46 |
Pastor Anjema |
GOD’S TWO VOLUMES – The ways that God has made himself known to us: The world-book, The Word-book – Confessional Reading: Belgic Conf. Art. 2, Scripture Reading: Psalm 19 |
Pastor Anjema |
2017-10-22 |
GETTING RID OF THE DREAMER – The scheme, The act, The cover up – Scripture Reading: Genesis 37:12-36 |
Pastor Anjema |
THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD (Part 11) – Recounting God’s goodness: The Lord is gracious, The Lord is faithful, The Lord is righteous – Confessional Reading: Belgic Conf. Art. 1, Scripture Reading: Psalm 145 |
Pastor Anjema |
2017-10-15 |
THE DREAMER – God’s distinction made in the family of Jacob: God’s choice of Joseph, God’s plans through Joseph – Scripture Reading: Genesis 37:1-11 |
Pastor Anjema |
THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD (Part 10) – God’s justice questioned but defended: A case study provided, The Lord’s call to the unrepentant, The ultimate answer – Confessional Reading: Belgic Conf. Art. 1, Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 18 |
Pastor Anjema |
2017-10-09 (Thanksgiving Day) |
THANKLESS THEOLOGY – Its origin, Its pattern, Its cure – Scripture Reading: Psalm 95, Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 4:1-5 |
Pastor Anjema |
2017-10-08 |
THE CHRISTIAN’S CALL (Part 2) – The danger of complacency: Know when to run, Fight the good fight, Take hold of eternal life – Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy, Text: 1 Timothy 6:11-16 |
Pastor Anjema |
THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD (Part 9) – The Lord’s will done through Esther’s request: God’s sovereignty, God’s faithfulness – Confessional Reading: Belgic Conf. Art. 1, Scripture Reading: Esther 7 |
Pastor Anjema |
2017-10-01 |
THE CHRISTIAN’S CALL (Part 1) – The danger of discontentment: The key to contentment, The remedy for greed – Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 6, Text: 1 Timothy 6:3-10 |
Pastor Anjema |
THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD (Part 8) – Our covenant keeping God: Rejoicing in God’s faithfulness, Demonstrations of God’s faithfulness, The effect of God’s faithfulness – Confessional Reading: Belgic Conf. Art. 1, Scripture Reading: Psalm 89:1-18 |
Pastor Anjema |
2017-06-25 |
THE BIRTH OF A NATION – Though Jacob’s family is poisoned by sin, the nation of Israel has its birth by covenant grace: Sin abounding, Grace abounding – Scripture Reading: Genesis 29:31-30:24 |
Pastor Anjema |
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THE WAY TO WISDOM – Instruction to sons and daughters regarding their direction in life: The proviso, The promise – Scripture Reading: Proverbs 3:1-12, Text: Proverbs 3:5,6 |
Pastor Anjema |
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2017-06-18 |
JACOB’S UNUSUAL FAMILY – The Lord faithfully fulfills His promises despite the many errors and issues within His covenant family: A predestined meeting, A peculiar wedding, A profound hope – Scripture Reading: Genesis 29 |
Pastor Anjema |
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THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD (Part 1) – His eternality and our frailty: The wonder of the eternal God explained, The blessings of the eternal God exhibited – Confessional Reading: Belgic Conf. Art. 1, Scripture Reading: Isaiah 40:18-31 |
Pastor Anjema |
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2017-06-11 |
JACOB’S LADDER – The living God reveals and offers Himself to Jacob: Jacob’s vision, Jacob’s Bethel, Jacob’s vow – Scripture Reading: Genesis 27:41-28:22, Text: Genesis 28:10-22 |
Pastor Anjema |
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I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE – As the Bread of Life, Jesus gives these instructions: Labour for what lasts, Hunger for what satisfies – Scripture Reading: John 6:22-40, Text: John 6:26-36 |
Pastor Anjema |
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2017-06-04 |
TWELVE ORDINARY MEN – In His authority, the Lord chooses His apostles: Prayerful consideration, Surprising choices, Effectual calling – Scripture Reading: Acts 1:12-2:4, Text: Luke 6:12-16 |
Pastor Anjema |
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THE CALL FOR CORPORATE INTERCESSION – The significance of public prayer, The speech used in public prayer, The scope of public prayer – Confessional Reading: LD 45, Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 2:1-15 |
Pastor Anjema |
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2017-05-28 |
LISTEN UP! – The ministries of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ need to be understood and received. If we do have ears to hear: We will not fall away on account of Christ, We will see the significance of John the Baptist, We will respond properly to both John and Jesus – Scripture Reading: Matthew 3 |
Pastor Rick Vanderhorst |
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Because we depend on God for our physical life, God calls us to pray for daily bread. We ask God to: Provide for all our physical needs, Grant his blessing with his gifts, Help us to trust in him alone – Confessional Reading: LD 50, Scripture Reading: Numbers 11 |
Pastor Rick Vanderhorst |
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2017-05-21 |
OUR COMPASSIONATE LORD OF LIFE – Jesus is our compassionate Lord of life: His Precious Promise to Martha, His Outrage and Grief with Mary, His Resurrection Power for Lazarus – Scripture Reading: John 11:1-44 |
Pastor Brian Cochran |
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THE ETERNAL WEIGHT OF GLORY – The comfort of the resurrection of the body and life everlasting: The Resurrection of the Body, The Life Everlasting – Confessional Reading: LD 22, Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:16-5:10 |
Pastor Brian Cochran |
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2017-05-14 |
DYSFUNCTION IN THE COVENANT FAMILY – The Lord upholds His decree in favor of the younger son: Two sinful schemes, Two blessings – Scripture Reading: Genesis 27 |
Pastor Anjema |
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WORSHIP AND THE SUPREMACY OF THE WORD – The command for its public reading, The call for its proper preaching – Confessional Reading: LD 25 q/a 65, LD 31 q/a 83, Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 4:1-16 |
Pastor Anjema |
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2017-05-07 |
FAITH AND WEAKNESS – God blesses Isaac – Sin and God’s presence, Conflict and God’s presence, Peace and God’s presence |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
SINGING AND MAKING MELODY IN WORSHIP – To whom are we singing? How do we sing? What do we sing? |
Pastor Rich Anjema |
2017-04-30 |
TRIALS CAN LEAD TO JOY – Persevere in trials, Pray in trials – Scripture Reading: James 1:1-18 |
Dr. A.J. Pol |
PERSEVERE UNDER TRIAL AND YOU WILL RECEIVE THE CROWN OF LIFE – This is: A comforting truth for the poor, A humbling truth for the rich – James 1:9-12 |
Dr. A.J. Pol |
2017-04-27 (Prayer Day Service) |
Meditations on Psalm 128 with prayers |
Pastor Anjema |
2017-04-23 |
THE OLDER SHALL SERVE THE YOUNGER – God’s calling sets off the struggle between Jacob and Esau: The extraordinary prophecy about the two sons, The remarkable difference between the two sons – Scripture Reading: Genesis 25:19-34 |
Pastor Anjema |
THE FATHER SEEKS TRUE WORSHIPPERS – Who worship in spirit, Who worship in truth, Who worship in Christ – Text: John 4:21-26 |
Pastor Anjema |
2017-04-16 |
THE BLESSING OF PEACE – Scripture Reading: John 20:1-23, Text: John 20:19-23 |
Pastor Anjema |
WE CONFESS THAT JESUS CHRIST HAS RISEN FROM THE DEAD – The fact of his resurrection, The fruit of his resurrection – Confessional Reading: LD 17, Scripture Reading: Matt.28:1-15; 1Cor.15:1-20 |
Pastor Poppe |
2017-04-14 (Good Friday) |
TETELESTAI: ‘IT IS FINISHED!’ – The accomplishment of the cross, The need for the cross – Scripture Reading: John 19: 1-30, Text John 19:30 |
Pastor Anjema |
2017-04-09 |
IN THE SHADOW WITH JESUS (Part 4) – In a little while: Grief will turn to joy, Mourning will turn to prayer – Scripture Reading: Luke 19:32-44, Text: John 16:16-24 |
Pastor Anjema |
FOR A RIGHT PERSPECTIVE ON THE FIFTH COMMANDMENT FOCUS ON CHRIST! – Scripture Reading: Matt 22:15-22, Romans 13:1-7 |
Elder Gill Hordyk |
2017-04-02 |
IN THE SHADOW WITH JESUS (Part 3) – Jesus says that His disciples are in a hateful world; The reasons for its antagonism, The remedy for this antagonism, The readiness for this antagonism – Scripture Reading: John 15:18-16:4 |
Pastor Anjema |
THE BEAUTY OF WORSHIP – The call to privileged worship, The reason for God-honouring worship, The focus of thankful worship – Confessional Reading: LD 38, Scripture Reading: Psalm 100 |
Pastor Anjema |
2017-03-26 |
IN THE SHADOW WITH JESUS (Part 1) – The exclusive claims of Christ: The way, The truth, The life – Scripture Reading: John 14:1-11, Text: John 14:5,6 |
Pastor Anjema |
IN THE SHADOW WITH JESUS (Part 2) – Kept by peace: A peace that is lasting, A peace in Christ’s absence, A peace despite Satan’s attacks – Scripture Reading: John 14:27-31 |
Pastor Anjema |
2017-03-19 |
THE CALL TO SPIRITUAL WARFARE – In that war, the Lord: is our strength, provides the armour, identifies the enemy – Scripture Reading: 2 Cor 10:1-6, Eph 6:10-20, Text: Eph 6:10-12 |
Elder Bernie Bakker |
ONE WAY OR ANOTHER (Rev. Keith Davis, URCNA) – The Choice Jesus Presents, The Paths Jesus Describes – Scripture Reading: Matt 7:13-29, Text: v13-14 |
Elder Andy Bakker |
2017-03-12 |
GOD LEADS NAAMAN TO FIND HIS FAITH – In spite of Naaman’s Power, In spite of Naaman’s Pride, In spite of Naaman’s Possessions – Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 5, Text: 2 Kings 5:1-19 |
Student Pete Van’t Hoff |
THE MEANINGFUL DEATH OF CHRIST – His Death, His Burial, His Hellish Descent – Confessional Reading: HC LD 16, Scripture Reading: John 19:28-42 |
Student Pete Van’t Hoff |
2017-03-05 |
ABRAHAM’S SERVANT, ISAAC’S WIFE AND GOD’S WILL – Speaking for Abraham’s seed, Seeking God’s guidance, Seeing God’s faithfulness – Scripture Reading: Genesis 24 |
Pastor Anjema |
TO GOD ALONE BELONGS THE GLORY – The rationale for praise, The expression of praise – Confessional Reading: LD 52 q/a 128,129, Scripture Reading: Jude 1-25, Text: vv. 24-25 |
Pastor Anjema |
2017-02-26 |
GOD REVEALS HIS POWER AND WISDOM IN WEAKNESS SO THAT WE MAY LEARN TO LIVE HUMBLY BEFORE HIM – We’ll see: The weak and foolish message of the cross, The weak and foolish people who are called, The weak and foolish preachers that are sent – Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:10-2:5, Text: 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5 |
Pastor Poppe |
CHRIST TEACHES US TO PRAY FOR STRENGTH IN OUR SPIRITUAL WARFARE, SO WE MAY BE DELIVERED FROM THE EVIL ONE – We’ll consider how: We are involved in spiritual warfare, We need to pray for deliverance from our enemies, We may be assured of victory in Jesus Christ – Confessional Reading: LD 52, Scripture Reading: Daniel 6; 1 Peter 5:5b-11 |
Pastor Poppe |
2017-02-19 |
MORDECAI ESTABLISHES THE FEAST OF PURIM – A fear of rest, of joy and gladness for God’s people, The Jews accept the feast as a custom to remember their deliverance. – Scripture Reading: Esther 9; Ps 96:1-6, Text: Esther 9:18-32 |
Pastor Fred Folkerts |
FORGIVEN AND FORGIVING – The need for forgiveness, The outworking of forgiveness – Confessional Reading: LD 51, Scripture Reading: Acts 9:1-19 |
Pastor Anjema |
2017-02-12 |
A MEMORY MADE AT MACHPELAH – The faith of the Lord’s servant expressed: During a time of death, Through the purchase of the cave, In the burial of Sarah – Scripture Reading: Genesis 23 |
Pastor Anjema |
GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD – Desperation in the famine, Deliverance from the famine – Confessional Reading: LD 50, Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 6:24-7:20 |
Pastor Anjema |
2017-02-05 |
THE STEADFAST HEART – What it is, What are the distractions to it, How it can be nurtured – Scripture Reading: Psalm 57 |
Pastor Anjema |
ASKING FOR GRACE – The third petition arises: Out of our failure and weakness, Toward the Lord, According to the heavenly pattern – Confessional Reading: LD 49, Scripture Reading: Matthew 26:36-46 |
Pastor Anjema |
2017-01-29 |
PRAISE THE LORD FOR EXALTING THE LOWLY – The height from which God looks upon us, The depths from which we look up to him – Scripture Reading: Psalm 113 |
Pastor Vandevelde |
OUR LORD TEACHES US TO PRAY, “YOUR KINGDOM COME.” – Confessional Reading: LD 48, Scripture Reading: Luke 19:11-28 |
Pastor Vandevelde |
2017-01-22 |
THE CALL TO SACRIFICE ISAAC – Faith put to test, Responding to the test, The Lord’s provision – Scripture Reading: Genesis 22:1-19 |
Pastor Anjema |
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HALLOWING GOD’S NAME – The meaning, The manner, The result – Confessional Reading: LD 47, Scripture Reading: John 17:1-5, Text: Matthew 6:9 |
Pastor Anjema |
2017-01-15 |
TWO KINDS OF LAUGHTER – The Lord sets apart the heir of the promise; God fulfills, God separates, God intervenes – Scripture Reading: Genesis 21:1-21 |
Pastor Anjema |
PRAY LIKE THIS – With persistence imploring our heavenly Father, With expectation in answer to our needs, With confidence in our Father’s wise care – Confessional Reading: LD 46, Scripture Reading: Matthew 7:7-11 |
Pastor Anjema |
2017-01-08 |
MARRIAGE AND FAMILY – Dealing with marriage problems: How they start, How to find solutions – Scripture Reading: Ephesians 5:22-33 |
Pastor Anjema |
THE TRUE GOD CALLS US TO PRAYER – The wrong way to pray, The right way to pray – Confessional Reading: LD 45, Scripture Reading: Matthew 6:5-8 |
Pastor Anjema |
2017-01-01 |
THE PRIMACY OF THE WORD – Described as: Vital, Penetrating and Searching – Scripture Reading: Hebrews 4:11-16, Text: Hebrews 4:12, 13 |
Pastor Anjema |
THE STEADFAST LOVE OF THE LORD SUSTAINS HIS PEOPLE THROUGH ANOTHER YEAR – He preserves us in all our trouble, and He fulfills for us all his purposes – Scripture Reading: Psalm 138, Text: Psalm 138:7,8 |
Pastor Vanderhorst |