2021 12 31 p.m. | “The psalm-writer’s past reflections for a future outlook” 1. Trust that the Lord will bless His people 2. Remember the fate of the wicked – Scripture Reading: Psalm 23, Psalm 37 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 12 26 a.m. | “God brings faithfulness up from the ground” 1. Heaven and earth divided (v. 10) 2. The righteousness of God (v. 11,12) 3. Righteousness goes forth (v. 13) – Scripture Reading: Luke 2: 1-20 Text: Ps. 85 | Pastor James Zekveld (Ambassador Canadian Reformed Church) |  |
2021 12 26 p.m. | “Jesus proves that he is the Son of God through resisting the temptations of Satan” 1. Bread 2. Power 3. Trust – Scripture Reading: Genesis 3, Text: Luke 4: 1-13 | Pastor James Zekveld (Ambassador Canadian Reformed Church) |  |
2021 12 25 a.m. | “Responses to the Messiah’s birth” 1. The discovery of the King 2. The hostility toward the King 3. The adoration of the King – Matthew 2:1-12, Matthew 1:18-25 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 12 19 a.m. | “Built strong, assembled together” 1. We are valued by the Lord 2. We are secure in the Lord – Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:19-22 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 12 19 p.m. | “The Miracle and Meaning of the Incarnation.” 1. Our birth and our guilt. 2. Jesus’s birth and his innocence. 3. Jesus’s birth and our new birth. – Confessional Reading: HC LD 14 Scripture Reading: Psalm 51,Job 25, Roman 5:15-21 Text: Luke 1:26-38 | Elder Andy Bakker reading |  |
2021 12 12 a.m. | “Christ breaks down the barriers” 1. His blood brings peace between people 2. His blood brings peace with God – Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:14-18 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 12 12 p.m. | “Little Bethlehem’s great Lord” 1. A small town acclaimed 2. A great Deliverer promised 3. A wonderful plan revealed – Confessional Reading: HC LD 13 q/a 34, Scripture Reading: Micah 5:2-5a | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 12 05 a.m. | “Identity found in the Lord” 1. Remember your bleak past 2. Know your current status – Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:11-13 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 12 05 a.m. | “Beholding God’s glory in the only-begotten Son” 1. Distinct in His person 2. Full of grace and truth – Confessional Reading: HC LD 13, Scripture Reading: Isaiah 9:6,7; John 1:14-18 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 11 28 a.m. | “The gift of salvation in Christ” 1. It is of grace 2. It is through faith 3. It is not of works – Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:8,9 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 11 28 p.m. | “The Messiah” 1. His anointing 2. His ministry – Confessional Reading: HC LD 12 Scripture Reading: Isaiah 61:1-3; Luke 4:14-21 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 11 21 a.m. | What Kind of People Ought We To Be – 1. In Contrast To The False Teachers 2. In Keeping With The Lord’s Character – Scripture Reading: 2 Peter 3:11-18 | Elder Henry Nagtegaal reading Rev. Keith Davis |  |
2021 11 21 p.m. | “Fight for Joy in the Hour of Discouragement” – Scripture Reading: Matthew 27:45-50, Psalm 42 | Elder Joe Ruiter reading Rev. Winston Bosch |  |
2021 11 14 a.m. | “What we were, what we are” 1. By practice: walking as prisoners 2. By nature: living in the flesh 3. By mercy: made alive with Christ – Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:1-5 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 11 14 p.m. | “Jesus, the only Saviour” 1. God has made us alive 2. God has seated us together in the heavenly places – Confessional Reading: HC LD 11, Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:4-7 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 11 07 a.m. | “Christ’s power from beginning to end” 1. He is raised from the dead 2. He is seated at God’s right hand 3. He has all things under His feet – Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1:20-22 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 11 07 p.m. | “God’s providence is experienced throughout this world” 1. The God who cares 2. The God who provides 3. The God who delights – Confessional Reading: HC LD 10 Scripture Reading: Psalm 147 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 10 31 a.m. | “The Destruction of Jericho a Message for the Church Today.” A message which points us to – 1. God as a God of love – He is the Redeemer of His people 2. God as a consuming fire – He is also Judge of the earth – Scripture Reading: Joshua 6 | Elder Andy Bakker reading sermon by Rev A. Veldman of the Free Reformed Church of Austrailia |  |
2021 10 31 p.m. | The gospel promises that the powerful Creator is my loving Father. 1. Christ, the basis of this promise 2. The content of this promise
3. The comfort of this promise – Scripture Reading: Isaiah 40 | Elder Gil Hordyk reading Dr. Wes Bredenhof from the Free Reformed Church of Launceston, Tasmania |  |
2021 10 24 a.m. | “The church is the body of Christ” 1. Her head 2. Her resources – Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1:19-23 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 10 24 p.m. | “Trinitarian promises for the Lord’s disciples” 1. Instruction 2. Peace 3. Victory – Confessional Reading: HC LD 8 Scripture Reading: John 14:25-31 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 10 17 a.m. | “The apostle’s prayer requests for the church” 1. God’s own dear presence to cheer and to guide, 2. Strength for today, 3. Bright hope for tomorrow – Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1:15-20 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 10 17 p.m. | “Saving faith” 1. Demonstrated, 2. Defined – Confessional Reading: Scripture Reading: Galatians 2:11-21 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 10 11 a.m. Thanksgiving Service | “Blessed be God” Who is He? What has He done? Why has He done it? – Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 10 10 a.m. | “Blessed be God” Who is He? What has He done? Why has He done it? – Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 10 10 p.m. | Your Spiritual Act of Worship 1. It must properly respect the focus of worship, 2. It must perfectly reflect an attitude of worship, 3. It must pointedly reject any hindrance to worship – Scripture Reading: Romans 12, Confessional Reading HCLD 32 | Bernie Bakker reading Rev. Overgaauw OCRC Bowmanville Ontario |  |
2021 10 03 a.m. | “Union with Christ: The Place to begin”- Scripture Reading: Galatians 2:20-21, Matthew 16:24-28 | Elder Joe Ruiter reading sermon from Pastor Paul Murphy |  |
2021 10 03 p.m. | Small Beginnings of Holiness – Scripture Reading: I Peter 1: 13 – 21, Text Philippians 3: 12 – 21 | Elder Sandy Siepman reading sermon from Keith Davis |  |
2021 09 26 a.m. | “Blessed be God” Who is He? What has He done? Why has He done it? – Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 09 26 p.m. | “How God has provided for our sins” 1. The provision of one mediator, 2. The way in which this mediator provides – Confessional Reading: HC LD 6, Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 2:1-7 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 09 19 a.m. | “The Rock that is higher than I” 1. The cry of the heart 2. The prayer for the king – Scripture Reading: Psalm 61 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 09 19 p.m. | “We wait for our deliverance from the Lord” 1. The depth of our misery 2. The height of our forgiveness 3. The hope of Israel’s redemption – Confessional Reading: HC LD 5, Scripture Reading: Psalm 130 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 09 12 a.m. | “Grace to you and peace” 1. Author and audience 2. Apostle’s blessing – Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1:1-2 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 09 12 p.m. | “Punishment for sin” – 1. Penalty of the law 2. The Penalty-bearer – Confessional Reading: HC LD 4, Scripture Reading: Galatians 3:10-14 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 09 05 a.m. | “From now to eternity” – The Lord promises blessing for those who persevere in their faith until the final anguish. 1. Answers for questions regarding the end 2. Assurance of what is yet to come after the end – Scripture Reading: Daniel 12:1-13 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 09 05 p.m. | “The deceitful heart” 1. Its effect 2. Its elusiveness 3. Its only hope – Confessional Reading: HCLD 3, Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 17:1-18 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 08 29 a.m. | “The Lord of all history” More prophecy about the future shows that the Lord is in control of all events 1. What is the significant of these details for Daniel? 2. What does this say to us? – Scripture Reading: Daniel 11:29-45 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 08 29 p.m. | “The test of our condition” 1. Our inability to keep the requirements of God’s law 2. An illustration of that inability – Confessional Reading: HC LD 2, Scripture Reading: Luke 10:26-37 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 08 22 a.m. | “Yahweh commands you to love your neighbor as yourself” 1. It must start in your heart 2. It must work out in your life – Scripture Reading: 1 John 3:11-24, Text Leviticus 19:17-18 | Elder Gil Hordyk reading |  |
2021 08 22 p.m. | “A New Wardrobe by Rev. Keith Davis” 1. The Lord’s Claim 2. The Great Exchange 3. The Call to Holiness – Confessional Reading: L.D. 23, Scripture Reading: Zechariah 3:1-7 | Elder Henry Nagtegaal reading Rev. Keith Davis |  |
2021 08 15 a.m. | “To be a Christian is to be free.” 1. The threats to freedom. 2. The life of freedom – Scripture Reading: Genesis 16; Galatians 4:8 – 5:1 | Elder Andy Bakker reading Rev. Stephen ‘t Hart – Free Reformed Church of Australia |  |
2021 08 15 p.m. | “Christ Has Been Raised” – Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:12-34; Isaiah 22:5-14: LD 17 | Elder Bernie Bakker reading Rev. Dr. Kim Riddlebarger |  |
2021 08 08 a.m. | “The battle is the Lord’s” The conflicts that we experience on earth are the counterpart of a great spiritual battle that is presently ongoing behind the scenes. 1. The great conflict 2. The significance – Scripture Reading Daniel 10 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 08 08 p.m. | “Faith in Jesus Christ” gives: 1. Confidence 2. Protection 3. Deliverance – Scripture Reading: Psalm 27, Confessional Reading H.C.L.D.1 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 08 01 a.m. | “The answer to Daniel’s prayer” The “seventy sevens” give reassuring hope in times of trouble 1. Exposition 2. Application – Scripture Reading: Daniel 9:20-27 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 08 01 p.m. | “All God’s people say ‘Amen’” 1. The meaning 2. The significance – Confessional Reading: Nicene Creed, HCQA 129,Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 1:17 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 07 25 a.m. | “Wisdom in the ordination of office bearers” 1. Careful selection of them 2. Special regard for them – Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 5:17-25 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 07 25 p.m. | “Heaven: a renewed creation” Our faith in the life of the world to come 1. What will happen? 2. What kind of people must we be? – Confessional Reading: Nicene Creed, HCQA58, Scripture Reading: 2 Peter 3:10-13 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 07 18 a.m. | Praying under the shadow of darkness” 1. Motivation 2. Confession 3. Petition – Scripture Reading: Daniel 9:1-19 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 07 18 p.m. | And I look for the resurrection of the dead” 1. The raising of a dead son 2. The response to the resurrection – Confessional Reading: Nicene Creed, HCQA 57 Scripture Reading: Luke 7:11-17 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 07 11 a.m. | “Beware of the sloth! The way of life flows from the heart.” 1) Watch what goes in it 2) Observe what comes from it – Scripture Reading: Proverbs 4 | Elder Joe Ruiter reading Stephen ‘t Hart |  |
2021 07 11 p.m. | “A Like Precious Faith” 1. Peter’s Humble Introduction of Himself 2. Peter’s Fitting Description Of The Faith 3. Peter’s Gracious Greetings To The Saints – Scripture Reading: 2 Peter 2:1-4 | Elder Henry Nagtegaal reading Rev. Keith Davis |  |
2021 07 04 a.m. | “The vision of the ram and the goat” 1. Its interpretation 2. Its implication – Scripture Reading: Daniel 8:1-27 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 07 04 p.m. | “Jesus, children and infant baptism” 1. Why did Jesus receive these children? 2. Why do we baptize our children? – Scripture Reading: Mark 10:13-16 Confessional Reading: HCLD QA #74 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 06 27 a.m. | “Recalling to mind that God’s mercies are new every morning, we have hope.” – Scripture Reading: Lamentations 3 Text: Lamentations 3:21-24 | Pastor James Slaa Carman West CanRC |  |
2021 06 27 p.m. | “Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, who is in you.” – Scripture Reading: Isaiah 63:1-14; Ephesians 4:17-31 Text: Ephesians 4:30 | Pastor James Slaa Carman West CanRC |  |
2021 06 20 a.m. | “The dream of God’s kingdom” Encouragement in the midst of a hostile world 1. The vision of monsters 2. The vision of the Son of Man – Scripture Reading: Daniel 7:1-28 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 06 20 p.m. | “I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins” 1. Explanation, 2. Appropriation – Confessional Reading: Nicene Creed, LD 26, Scripture Reading: Mark 1:1-8 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 06 13 a.m. | “Daniel in the lion’s den” – Our living God saves His faithful servants who trust in Him 1. Faith on trial 2. Implications for today – Scripture Reading: Daniel 6:1-28 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 06 13 p.m. | “There is no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus” 1. Their hope 2. Their identity – Scripture Reading: Romans 8:1-4 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 06 06 a.m. | “The writing on the wall: MNʾTQLPRS” The Lord’s kingdom decisively ends the oppressiveness of sin 1. Weighed in the balances of God 2. Found in the depth of the mercy of God – Scripture Reading: Daniel 5:1-31 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 06 06 p.m. | “Perfect love, mutual Christianity” 1. Experience of God’s love 2. Practice of God’s love – Confessional Reading: Nicene Creed, Scripture Reading: 1 John 4:13-21 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 05 30 a.m. | “Like the beasts that perish” The Most High humbles and exalts whom He wills 1. Pride and fall 2. Suffering and restoration – Scripture Reading: Daniel 4:1-37 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 05 30 p.m. | “The church alone is Christ’s body” 1. In which we are joined 2. Where we find fullness – Confessional Reading: Nicene Creed, BC Art 28 Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1:15-23 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 05 23 a.m. | “Cool in the furnace” The Lord delivers His children when in fiery trials 1. The pressure to conform 2. The nearness of the Lord – Scripture Reading: Daniel 3:1-30 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 05 23 p.m. | “What the Spirit says to the Churches” The Lord’s warning against complacency 1. Assessment of His church 2. Message to His church – Confessional Reading: Nicene Creed, BC Art 29 Scripture Reading: Revelation 3:14-22 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 05 16 a.m. | “Nebuchadnezzar’s dream – part 2: its interpretation” 1. Earthly kingdoms rise and fall 2. Christ’s kingdom cannot be shaken – Scripture Reading: Acts 1:9-11 Text: Daniel 2:24-49 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 05 16 p.m. | “The glorious body of Christ” – 1. Her identity 2. Her responsibility – Confessional Reading: Nicene Creed, Lord’s Day 21, Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:11-22 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 05 09 a.m. | “The nightmare from the Lord – part 1” 1. God’s plan in this crazy time 2. God’s purpose in revealing this dream 3. God’s power and wisdom in using Daniel – Scripture Reading: Daniel 2:1-23 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 05 09 p.m. | “He spoke through the prophets” The authority of the Holy Spirit 1. The marks of His authority 2. Submission to His authority – Scripture Reading: 2 Peter 1:16-21, Confessional Reading: Nicene Creed, Belgic Confession Art. 3 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 05 02 a.m. | “The sovereign Lord guides His people even in exile” – 1. Trusting His faithfulness 2. Living faithfully before Him – Scripture Reading: Daniel 1:1-21 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 05 02 p.m. | “The Holy Spirit: Lord and Life-Giver” – 1. He is a Person 2. He is God 3. He gives life – Confessional Reading: Nicene Creed, LD 1, Scripture Reading: Psalm 104:24-35; Luke 11:9-13 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 04 25 a.m. | “You become what you worship.” We’ll consider: 1. How those who serve idols become like them. 2. How those who worship God become like him. – Scripture Reading: Psalm 115; Romans 1:18-32, Text: Psalm 115:8 | Pastor Joe Poppe Redeemer Canadian Reformed Church |  |
2021 04 25 p.m. | “I believe in the Holy Spirit.” We’ll see how the Spirit: 1. Connects us to Christ. 2. Comforts us with Christ. 3. Keeps us in Christ. – Confessional Reading: LD20, Scripture Reading: 1 Kings 8:1-11; John 15:26-16:15 | Pastor Joe Poppe Redeemer Canadian Reformed Church |  |
2021 04 18 a.m. | “The storm subsides” Job’s repentance and the Lord’s restoration: 1. Deeper relationship 2. Reconciliation 3. Renewed life – Scripture Reading: Job 42:1-17 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 04 18 p.m. | Confessional Reading Lord’s Day 50, Prayer – Crops, Labour and Business led by elder Cornel VanEgmond. First Scripture Reading Psalm 72:1-11, Meditation #1, Prayer – Health and Welfare of the Nation, Missions led by elder Henry Nagtegaal, Second Scripture Reading Psalm 72:12-20, Meditation #2, Prayer – Diaconal Causes led by elder Joe Ruiter, The Apostles’ Creed | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 04 11 a.m. | “Out of the whirlwind” The Lord questions Job: 1. In the form of a verbal wrestling match 2. With the ultimate challenge – Scripture Reading: Job 39:1-40:5 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 04 11 p.m. | “Jesus loves little ones” 1. Little children inherit God’s kingdom 2. Little children are invited to come to Jesus – Scripture Reading: Matthew 18:1-10 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 04 04 a.m. | “On the third day He rose from the dead” 1. The historical fact 2. The reassuring reality – Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:1-28 Text: Luke 24:1-12 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 04 04 p.m. | “Light at the end of the cross” 1. The darkness descends 2. The veil is torn 3. The final prayer is uttered – Text: Luke 23:44-46 | Elder Henry Nagtegaal reading sermon by Pastor Rick VanderHorst (Grace CanRC Winnipeg) |  |
2021 04 02 a.m. Good Friday | “Light at the end of the cross” 1. The darkness descends 2. The veil is torn 3. The final prayer is uttered – Text: Luke 23:44-46 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 03 28 a.m. | “Through a mother in Israel the LORD raises up godly seed who strike dead the seed of the serpent.” 1) Recognize the two seeds 2) See God fight for his people 3) Join in the war – Scripture Reading: Judges 5:19-31 Text: Judges 4 | Pastor Rick VanderHorst (Grace CanRC Winnipeg) |  |
2021 03 28 p.m. | “In the face of death, God comforts us with the hope of the resurrection and life everlasting” 1) The certainty of the resurrection and life everlasting 2) The comfort of the resurrection and life everlasting – Scripture Reading: Isaiah 25:1-9; 1 Thess 4:13-18 Confessional Reading: LD 22 | Pastor Rick VanderHorst (Grace CanRC Winnipeg)
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2021 03 21 a.m. | “Elihu intervenes” 1. Where he is right 2. What he gets wrong – Scripture Reading: Job 32:1-22 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 03 21 p.m. | “Whose kingdom will have no end” – The kingdom of God: 1. Its definition: it is present 2. Its fullness: it is future – Scripture Reading: Matthew 25:31-46, Confessional Readings: Nicene Creed, BC Art 37 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 03 14 a.m. | “The Lord’s Supper” – Scripture Reading: Luke 22:14-20 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 03 14 p.m. | “The sheep and the goats” – 1. Aspects of the judgment day 2. Effects of the judgment day – Confessional Reading: Nicene Creed – Scripture Reading: Matthew 25:31-46 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 03 07 a.m. | “Praise of God’s wisdom” – 1. The place of wisdom 2. The price of wisdom 3. The paths of wisdom – Scripture Reading: Job 28:1-28 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 03 07 p.m. | “He shall come again in glory” – 1. The manner of His coming, 2. The behaviour of His children, 3. The hope of the Christian – Confessional Reading: Nicene Creed, Scripture Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 02 28 a.m. | “Job’s rebuttal” The wicked prosper; the righteous suffer – 1. An answer his friends 2. An assessment of his reply 3. Anatomy of the soul – Scripture Reading: Job 21:1-34 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 02 28 p.m. | “He ascended into heaven” 1. Where He went 2. What He is doing 3. Why it matters – Confessional Reading: Nicene Creed, Scripture Reading: Daniel 7:1-14 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 02 21 a.m. | “Passing on the truth to our children” 1. Why we must teach, 2. What we must warn, 3. Where we must direct 4. Who we must trust – Scripture Reading: Psalm 78:1-39 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 02 21 p.m. | “I know my Redeemer lives” 1. Job’s expectation for the body, 2. Job’s yearning to see God – Confessional Reading: Nicene Creed, Scripture Reading: Job 19:1-29 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 02 14 a.m. | “Contending with the Almighty” – In desperation, Job looks for an arbitrator. 1. His acquaintances 2. His anger 3. His advocate – Scripture Reading: Job 7:1-21 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 02 14 p.m. | “He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate” – 1. The charge 2. The guilty 3. The exchange – Confessional Reading: Nicene Creed, Scripture Reading: Luke 23:13-25 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 02 07 a.m. | Glorious Freedom: Love the Truth – Theme: Christ has set us free from the slavery of lying to love the truth and speak it candidly. 1. Free from lying 2. Free to love truth – Scripture: Proverbs 12:13-13:5 1 Peter 3:8-12, Confession: Lord’s Day 43 | Pastor Todd De Rooy (Redeemer URC Orange City Iowa) |  |
2021 02 07 p.m. | Not Even if Someone Should Rise from the Dead Theme: Departing from God’s Word results in dire dilemmas for David and Saul. 1. David’s dire dilemma (vv. 1-2) 2. Saul’s dire dilemma (vv. 3-25) – Scripture: 1 Samuel 28, Text: 1 Samuel 28 | Pastor Todd De Rooy (Redeemer URC Orange City Iowa) |  |
2021 01 31 a.m. | “God empowers us to stand against mocking giants.” 1. Goliath’s Armor 2. Saul’s Armor 3. David’s Armor – Scripture Reading: Ephesians 6:10-20, 1 Corinthians 4, Text: 1 Samuel 17 (v. 26) | Pastor James Zekveld (Ambassador Canadian Reformed Church) |  |
2021 01 31 p.m. | “Train a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it” We’ll consider: 1. The LORD’s command. 2. The LORD’s promise. – Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 6:1-9; Judges 2, Text: Proverbs 22:6 | Pastor Joe Poppe (Redeemer Canadian Reformed Church of Winnipeg) |  |
2021 01 24 a.m. | “A miserable counsellor” In response to Job, Eliphaz gives a theological lesson 1. You reap what you sow; therefore expect consequences 2. God corrects His sons; therefore expect suffering – Scripture Reading: Job 4:1-21 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 01 24 p.m. | “For us and for our salvation” Our confession about our humble Saviour 1. The path He took, 2. The people to whom He came, 3. The purpose of His coming – Confessional Reading: Nicene Creed, Scripture Reading: Philippians 2:5-11 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 01 17 a.m. | “Crying in the darkness” Job curses the day of his birth 1. From cursing to lamenting 2. From lamenting to questioning – Scripture Reading: Job 2:11-3:26 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 01 17 p.m. | “One iota of difference” The confession about the only begotten Son: 1. In whom we believe, 2. A doctrine for which we contend – Confessional Reading: Nicene Creed, Scripture Reading: John 1:1-18 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 01 10 a.m. | “The perseverance of God’s servant” 1. Responding to suffering 2. Coping with ill health – Scripture Reading: Job 1:13-2:10 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 01 10 p.m. | “The invisible realm” 1. The elect angels 2. The fallen angels – Confessional Reading: Nicene Creed, Scripture Reading: Colossians 1:13-18; 1 Peter 5:5-11 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 01 03 a.m. | “The book of Job (an introduction)” 1. The man: Job 2. The enemy: Satan 3. The Lord: Sovereign – Scripture Reading: Job 1:1-12 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 01 03 p.m. | “I believe in one God, the Father Almighty” Our Father is a sovereign and gracious provider: 1. Recognition for His creative power 2. Appreciation for His rule over all 3. Hope for those who trust in Him – Confessional Reading: Nicene Creed, Scripture Reading: Psalm 33 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2021 01 01 a.m. | “Depend on the Lord this year for His mercies” Consider His faithfulness in the context of Jerusalem’s fall: 1. The cause 2. The Lord’s compassion 3. Sure confidence in the Lord – Scripture Reading: Lamentations 3:1-27 Text: Lamentations 3:22-25 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
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