Liturgical terms

Call to Worship: A passage of scripture that is read to prepare worshipers to enter into God’s presence.

Silent Prayer: To ready and focus worshipers on their meeting with God.

Votum: Is a Latin term meaning ‘vow’ or ‘prayer’. It is a confession and response to God’s command to worship. Here the worshipers declare their total dependence on God.

Salutation: God’s greeting to his people.

Benediction: God’s blessing to his people.

Word: Reading and Preaching from the Bible, God’s word to humanity.

Sacrament: Baptism and Holy Communion (Lord’s Supper) Physical signs that display spiritual truths.

For more information about Reformed Worship (offsite):
What is Reformed Worship?
Worship Evangelical or Reformed?
URC learning on Liturgy (MP3 audio resource)
The Beauty of Reformed Worship