Who We Are


As a Christian, Confessional and Reformed Church:

We exist to glorify God, being called to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

We are Christ centred, Bible believing and gospel preaching, spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.

We hold to the “Three Forms of Unity” (Our Reformed Confessions) and the ecumenical creeds of Christiandom, with historical and doctrinal roots in the Protestant Reformation.

For more information, please contact our pastor or one of the elders and visit our federation’s website, www.urnca.org.

Our History
Providence was organized in 1991 and joined the URCNA in 1995.
We trace our roots back to the Protestant Reformation of the 16th Century, out of which the Reformed Churches were born.  The Reformation drew attention back to the Bible which proclaims that salvation is by grace through faith alone.  We believe that this salvation produces the response of love, gratitude and hope expressed in our words and deeds.

Our Membership
Estimated Statistics:
11 Officebearers (Elders and Deacons)
73 families
280 baptized members
190 professing members

Ministers who have served us
1995-2003 Rev. Fred. Folkerts
2004-2009 Rev. Dan Donovan
2010- Pastor Richard Anjema

Our Worship
Twice every Sunday our congregation assembles to worship our risen Saviour the Lord Jesus by singing, praying, receiving the preached gospel, and giving gifts for God’s kingdom. Preaching has a central place in our worship because of our conviction that God uses it to save and encourage.