Visitors are always welcome! Please contact us if you have any questions. Live streaming of our Sunday Services is available here and on our Facebook page.
Pastor Rich Anjema leading and preaching
Pre-Service: #73-C & #297:1,2,5,6
*Call to Worship
*Silent Prayer
*Votum and Salutation
*Opening Song: #111-B:1-4
Reading of God’s Law
Song of Response: #32-B:1-3
Assurance of Pardon
Prayer of Illumination
Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 11
*Song of Preparation: #293
Sermon: “How the Lord uses a woman to save Christmas”
1. The preservation
2. The exaltation
3. The restoration
Prayer of Response
*Song of Response: #299
Congregational Prayer
*Doxology: #72-A:8