2023 12 25 a.m. | “The good news of Christ’s birth” – Scripture Readings: Isaiah 11:1-10, Luke 2:1-20 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 12 24 a.m. | “Mary glorifies her mighty God and Saviour for the blessings he has given.” 1. her specific blessing; 2. the greater blessing to all believers. – Scripture Reading: Luke 1:26-56, Text: Luke 1:46-49 | Pastor Carl Van Dam (CanRC Carman East) |  |
2023 12 24 p.m. | “Pray to the God of all grace, who called us to his eternal glory in Christ!” In this prayer, we: 1. ask for strength to resist our enemies; 2. praise him for the promised completion of his work; 3. conclude with the Amen. – Confessional Reading: HC LD 52, Scripture Reading: Romans 8:26-39; 1 Peter 5:1-11 | Pastor Carl Van Dam (CanRC Carman East) |  |
2023 12 17 a.m. | The Child with four names 1. His titles 2. His government – Scripture Reading: Isaiah 9 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 12 17 p.m. | The Places of Wonder – Scripture Reading: Luke 2:1-20 | Elder Steve Devries reading Dr. Jerry Bilkes (FRC Grand Rapids 2010) |  |
2023 12 10 a.m. | “The bad news and good news of Immanuel” 1. Given at a time of trouble 2. Given as a word of challenge – Scripture Reading: Isaiah 7 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 12 10 p.m. | “You surround me with songs of deliverance: the fifth petition” 1. Guilt 2. Grace 3. Gratitude – Confessional Reading: Lord’s Day 51, Scripture Reading: Isaiah 12 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 12 03 a.m. | “The Lord’s teaching on non-retaliation” 1. His explanation 2. His examples -Scripture Reading: Matthew 5:38-42 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 12 03 p.m. | “The fountain of all blessings: the fourth petition” 1. Praise for His works 2. Praise for His kindness 3. Praise for His provisions – Confessional Reading: HC LD 50, Scripture Reading: Psalm 145 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 11 26 a.m. | The LORD delivers his people through the death of their judge 1) Samson’s greatest act of strength 2) Samson’s greatest act of weakness 3) The LORD’s act of strength through weakness – Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:20-2:8 Text: Judges 16 | Pastor Rick Vanderhorst, Grace Canadian Reformed Church Winnipeg |  |
2023 11 26 p.m. | Don’t combine your faith with worldly favouritism! 1) Because this favouritism contrasts with God’s own character 2) Because this favouritism turns us into transgressors 3) Because this favouritism is contrary to the law of liberty – Scripture Reading: Leviticus 19:1-18, Text: James 2:1-13 | Pastor Rick Vanderhorst, Grace Canadian Reformed Church Winnipeg |  |
2023 11 19 a.m. | “The Lord’s teaching on divorce” 1. The dangers of divorce 2. The delights of the domestic – Scripture Reading: Deut. 24:1-4; Matthew 5:31-32 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 11 19 p.m. | “I delight to do your will, O my God: the third petition” 1. A prayer for a submissive heart 2. A prayer for a biblical mind 3. A prayer for this godless world – Confessional Reading: HC LD 49 Scripture Reading: Psalm 119:1-24; 121-136 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 11 12 a.m. | “Adultery starts in the heart” 1. What are the issues? 2. How does one deal with lust? – Scripture Reading: Matthew 5:27-30 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 11 12 p.m. | “Bow before the King: the second petition” 1. A righteous kingdom 2. A victorious kingdom 3. A kingdom for God’s glory – Confessional Reading: HC LD 48 Scripture Reading: Psalm 72 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 11 05 a.m. | “The Lord’s thoughts on murder” 1. Reach 2. Realization 3. Recovery – Scripture Reading: Matthew 5:21-26 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 11 05 a.m. | “All glory to God: the first petition” 1. The order to praise in heaven 2. The display of power on earth 3. The rest in peace and strength for the saints – Confessional Reading: HC LD 47 Scripture Reading: Psalm 29 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 10 29 a.m. | “A Christian’s righteousness” 1. What is the law? 2. Christ in the law 3. The Christian and the law – Scripture Reading: Matthew 5:17-20 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 10 29 p.m. | “Blessed are the forgiven” 1. The anatomy of sin 2. The vocabulary of forgiveness 3. The encouragement to joy – Confessional Reading: BC Art 23, Scripture Reading: Psalm 32 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 10 22 a.m. | “The LORD confirms his promises to Abram in a special way to prove he is a trustworthy God.” We’ll consider: 1. Abram’s struggle to be sure God’s promise were for him. 2. The LORD’s sign to confirm that he is trustworthy – Scripture Reading: Genesis 15, Text: Genesis 15:7-21 | Pastor Joe Poppe (Redeemer Canadian Reformed Church) |  |
2023 10 22 p.m. | “Christ teaches us to truly draw near to our heavenly Father in prayer.” We can draw near because of: 1. Our Father’s great love for us. 2. Our Father’s powerful ability to provide for us. – Confessional Reading: HCLD46, Scripture Reading: Matthew 7:7-11; John 14:1-14; 1John 3:1-3 | Pastor Joe Poppe (Redeemer Canadian Reformed Church) |  |
2023 10 15 a.m. | “The Christian’s influence” 1. Salt and flavour 2. Light and praise – Scripture Reading: Matthew 5:13-16 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 10 15 p.m. | “The nature of prayer” 1. Why 2. How 3. What – Confessional Reading: HC LD 45 Scripture Reading: Psalm 116 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 10 09 Thanksgiving | “All praise and thanks to God” 1. He is powerful 2. He is our Shepherd 3. He is our King – Scripture Reading: Psalm 100, Psalm 95 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 10 08 p.m. | “Fixing our eyes on the Lord give us good reasons to praise Him” 1. His work in creation 2. His work in history 3. His work in difficulty – Scripture Reading: Psalm 33 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 10 08 p.m. | “The tenth commandment: all that you need is found in Jesus” 1. He is the key to contentment 2. He is the remedy for greed – Confessional Reading: HC LD 44 Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 6:3-10 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 10 01 a.m. | “The beatitudes: for those who are blessed in Christ” – Scripture Reading: Matthew 5:1-12 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 10 01 p.m. | “The ninth commandment: tell the truth” 1. The sin forbidden 2. The duty required – Confessional Reading: HC LD 43 Scripture Reading: Genesis 12:10-20; Deuteronomy 19:15-21 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 09 24 a.m. | “The Sermon on the Mount” 1. The general context 2. The specific content – Scripture Reading: Luke 6:12-19; Matthew 4:23-5:2 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 09 24 p.m. | “The eight commandment: the earth is the Lord’s” 1. Its meaning 2. Its implications – Confessional Reading: HC LD 42, Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 5:1-13; Psalm 24 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 09 17 a.m. | “The Hope Of A Kingdom That Cannot Fail” 1. The Insecurity of the Human Condition 2. The Comparative Superiority and Grace of God 3. The Inevitability and Security of God’s Eternal Kingdom – Scripture Reading: Daniel 2 | Pastor John Ysinga of Thunder Bay URCNA |  |
2023 09 17 p.m. | “The 7th Commandment: Purity of Body and Mind” 1. The Seriousness of Sexual Sin 2. The Savior Sufficient for Sinners 3. The Solution to Sexual Sin – Confessional Reading: HC LD 41 Scripture Reading: Psalm 63, 1 Corinthian 6:9-20 | Pastor John Ysinga of Thunder Bay URCNA |  |
2023 09 10 a.m. | “Conclusion: to Him who loved us and washed us in His own blood” 1. Main focus 2. Major foe 3. Magnificent future – Scripture Reading: Revelation 1:4-8; 22:12-17 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 09 10 p.m. | “The sixth commandment: respect life” 1. What it prohibits 2. How it protects 3. Where it points – Confessional Reading: HC LD 40, Scripture Reading: Matthew 5:21-26 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 09 03 a.m. | “The final words of Jesus to His church” 1. Keep 2. Trust 3. Worship – Scripture Reading: Revelation 22:6-21 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 09 03 a.m. | “The fifth commandment: respect for parents” 1. Why is this commandment given? 2. How should you honour your parents? 3. What limits your obedience to your parents and other authorities? – Confessional Reading: HC LD 39, Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 21:18-21; Colossians 3:12-4:1 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 08 27 a.m. | “IN THE WRONGS OF LIFE, ALWAYS TAKE CHRIST’ LORDSHIP FOR REAL” 1. When one is to take Christ’s lordship for real. 2. How one is to take Christ’s lordship for real, 3. Why one is to take Christ’s lordship for real. – Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 3:8-22 | Elder Bernie Bakker reading Rev. C. Bouwman of Smithville CanRC |  |
2023 08 27 p.m. | “Call the Sabbath a Delight” 1. What makes the Lord’s Day delightful 2. How the Lord’s Day can become a burden 3. The delight which the Lord’s Day anticipates – Confessional Reading: HC LD #38 Scripture Reading: Isaiah 56:1-8, Isaiah 58:13-14 | Elder Mark Hordyk reading Pastor Ted Van Raalte of Redeemer CanRC |  |
2023 08 20 a.m. | “TRUE GREATNESS” 1. The discussion that led to this instruction 2.The two components of this instruction 3. The powerful illustration that accompanies this instruction – Scripture Reading: 2 Chronicles 32:1-23 Text: Mark 9:33-37 | Elder Gill Hordyk reading Dr. Wes Bredenhof of the Free Reformed Church of Launceston, Tasmania |  |
2023 08 20 p.m. | “Jesus teaches about swearing an oath in God’s Name:” 1. The power of the oath 2. The abuse of the oath 3. The spirit of the oath – Scripture Reading: Matthew 5:33-37; Matthew 23:1-22 | Elder Melville Buist reading Rev. Reuben Bredenhof, Free Reformed Church of Mt. Nasura Western Australia |  |
2023 08 13 a.m. | “Fear of God” 1. The definition of the Fear of God 2. The origin of the fear of God, 3. The effects of the fear of God 4. The absence of the fear of God. – Scripture Reading: Psalm 34 | Elder Steve Devries reading Dr. Jerry Bilkes Free Reformed Church of Grand Rapids 2023 |  |
2023 08 13 p.m. | “A Name to Use with Fear and Reverence” 1: Rightly Confessing Him 2: Calling Upon Him 3: Praising Him with our Words and Works – Confessional Reading: HC LD 36, Scripture Reading: Psalm 20; Matthew 10: 27-33 | Elder Beschier Nagtegaal reading Rev. Reuben Bredenhof of Free Reformed Church of Mt. Nasura, Western Australia |  |
2023 08 06 a.m. | “Welcome to Garden City” 1. With no temple 2. With no sin 3. With no hindrances – Scripture Reading: Revelation 21:22-22:5 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 08 06 p.m. | “Second commandment: make no images” 1. The rule with its reason 2. The warning with its promise – Confessional Reading: HC LD 35, Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 18:1-8 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 07 30 a.m. | “The homecoming of the bride” 1. Her return 2. Her splendour – Scripture Reading: Revelation 21 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 07 30 p.m. | “First commandment: no other gods” 1. Sin of idolatry 2. Wages of idolatry 3. Triumph over idolatry – Confessional Reading: HC LD 34, Scripture Reading: Numbers 25 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 07 23 a.m. | “The Judgment is coming” 1. The judge 2. The summons 3. The ruling – Scripture Reading: Revelation 20:11-15 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 07 23 p.m. | “The call for conversion” 1. A charge of sin 2. Sin exposed 3. Pardon for sin extended – Confessional Reading: HC LD 33, Scripture Reading: John 7:53-8:11 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 07 16 a.m. | “The King is coming” – 1. Christ wins 2. Satan loses 3. Saints reign – Scripture Reading: Revelation 20:1-10 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 07 16 p.m. | “Jesus heals the invalid who suffered for 38 years” – 1) The man was looking form someone to push him to the pool, 2) Jesus gives him what he needed the most – Scripture Reading: John 5:1-1-15 | Pastor Han Lee from Houston Canadian Reformed Church |  |
2023 07 09 a.m. | “We must still do good works. Why?” 1. Otherwise the Lord is not praised 2. Otherwise our faith is not certain 3. Otherwise we would not win our neighbour – Confessional Reading: HC LD 32, Scripture Reading: Titus 2:11-3:11 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 07 09 a.m. | “The return of the King” 1. On a white horse 2. As a warrior 3. To win the war – Scripture Reading: Isaiah 63, Text: Revelation 19:11-21 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 07 02 a.m. | “Blessed are those who are invited” 1. The bride’s rejoicing 2. The wedding request – Scripture Reading: Hosea 2:14-23 Text: Revelation 19:1-10 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 07 02 p.m. | “Confronting one another in love” 1. Whom 2. What 3. How 4. Why -Confessional Reading: HC LD 31 Scripture Reading: Matthew 18:15-20 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 06 25 a.m. | “Elders and deacons” 1. Their calling 2. Their character – Confessional Reading: Belgic Conf Art. 30, Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 3:1-13 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 06 25 p.m. | “Alas for the great city Babylon has fallen” 1. Her curse 2. Her cry 3. Our calling – Scripture Reading: Revelation 18 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 06 18 a.m. | “Post-mortem of an immoral beauty” 1. Her deadly attraction 2. Her devious ways 3. Her destructive end – Scripture Reading: Revelation 17 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 06 18 p.m. | “Comfort in Christ’s supper” By partaking, you are: 1. Remembering 2. Feeding 3. Proclaiming – Confessional Reading: HC LD 28, Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 06 11 a.m. | “Peter instructs the reborn to love each other earnestly” by Rev. C. Bouwman, Smithville Canadian Reformed Church – 1. Why the love is possible, 2. What this love looks like, 3. How this love grows. – Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 1:22-2:3, John 13:1-17 Text: 1 Peter 1:22b | Elder Ruiter reading Rev. C. Bouwman, Smithville Canadian Reformed Church |  |
2023 06 11 p.m. | Baptism signs and seals God’s promises for us and our children – Confessional Reading: HC LD 27; BC 34, Scripture Reading: GEN 17; DEUT 30: 1-10 | Elder Bakker reading Dr. Wes Bredenhof |  |
2023 06 04 a.m. | “The day when the Lord’s justice is served” 1. The final wrath 2. The last battle 3. The end of sin – Scripture Reading: Revelation 16 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 06 04 a.m. | “The day when the Lord’s justice is served” 1. The final wrath 2. The last battle 3. The end of sin – Scripture Reading: Revelation 16 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 06 04 p.m. | “Christian baptism” 1. What is the meaning of baptism? 2. How is to be administered? 3. Why are we to remember our baptism? – Confessional Reading: HC LD 26, Scripture Reading: Romans 6 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 05 28 a.m. | The apostle Peter preaches the gospel of Jesus Christ and the coming of the Holy Spirit. 1. the heartfelt response of the people; 2. the earnest command to repent and be baptized; 3. the promised gift of the Holy Spirit. – Scripture Reading: Acts 2:1-41, Text: Acts 2:37-39 | Rev. Carl Van Dam (Carman East Canadian Reformed Church) |  |
2023 05 28 p.m. | The Lord gives us the sacraments to strengthen our faith. These sacraments are: 1. visible signs; 2. holy seals. – Confessional Reading: HC LD 25, Scripture Reading: Judges 6 | Rev. Carl Van Dam (Carman East Canadian Reformed Church) |  |
2023 05 21 a.m. | “The Lord prepares us for the end of all history” 1. The final harvest 2. The grapes of wrath 3. The opening of heaven -Scripture Reading: Revelation 14:14-15:8 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 05 21 p.m. | “Work out your salvation” 1. For it is GOD who works in you. 2. To will and to do for His good pleasure. – Confessional Reading: HC LD 24 Scripture Reading: Phillipians 2:1-18 | Elder Gil Hordyk reading Rev. Reuben Bredenhof |  |
2023 05 14 a.m. | “The Lord’s triumph over the beast” 1. Rejoicing in the Lamb 2. Repaying the beast 3. Relieving the saints – Scripture Reading: Revelation 14:1-13 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 05 14 p.m. | “The prayer of faith that saves” 1. The man who was too good to be saved 2. The man who went away justified – Confessional Reading: HC LD 23 Scripture Reading: Luke 18:9-14 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 05 07 a.m. | “Beware of the angry dragon and his two beasts” 1. The first beast and the call for endurance 2. The second beast and the call for wisdom – Scripture Reading: Daniel 7:15-28 Text: Revelation 13:1-18 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 05 07 a.m. | “Jesus gives us comfort regarding the future” 1. Revealing Himself as true hope in the face of death 2. Recognizing the reality of death 3. Raising Lazarus and overcoming death – Confessional Reading: HC LD 22 Scripture Reading: John 11:17-44 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 04 30 a.m. | “Beware of the angry dragon” 1. The picture given 2. The message of this picture – Scripture Reading: Revelation 11:15-12:17 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 04 30 p.m. | “Partakers of Christ’s gifts” 1. Have the right perspective of gifts 2. Know that His gifts are given in measure 3. Use the gifts He’s given – Confessional Reading: HC LD 21, Scripture Reading: Romans 12 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 04 23 a.m. | “The ministry of the new covenant is a ministry of the Spirit, full of life and glory.” This ministry is: 1) Confirmed by the work of the Spirit 2) A giver of life and righteousness 3) Full of unfading glory – Scripture Reading: Exodus 34:1-10; 29-35, Text: 2 Corinthians 3 | Pastor Rick Vanderhorst |  |
2023 04 23 p.m. | “The good news of the Holy Spirit!” We’ll look at: 1) The person of the Holy Spirit 2) The saving work of the Holy Spirit – Confessional Reading: HC LD 20 Scripture Reading: Acts 13:1-4; Gal. 3:23-4:7; Heb 10:11-18 | Pastor Rick Vanderhorst |  |
2023 04 16 a.m. | “The testimony of Christ’s church in a hostile world” 1. The church will be protected 2. The church will be silenced 3. The church will be triumphant – Scripture Reading: Zechariah 4:1-14 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 04 16 p.m. | “The nature of Christ’s return” 1. Some misconceptions 2. A few corrections 3. Many comforts – Confessional Reading: HC LD 19 – Scripture Reading: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 04 09 a.m. | “The resurrection” 1. The women at the tomb 2. The young man dressed in white 3. The fearful response – Scripture Reading: Mark 16:1-8 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 04 09 p.m. | “The resurrection’s benefits” 1. Its reality 2. Its relevance – Confessional Reading: HC LD 17, Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:1-28 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 04 07 p.m. | “The cry of Jesus on the cross” – Confessional Reading: Lord’s Day 16 Scripture Reading: Psalm 22 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 04 02 a.m. | “YOUR KING IS COMING!” (Rev. Michael G. Brown) 1. The expected King 2. The rejected King 3. The returning King – Scripture Reading: Zachariah 9: 9-17 & John 12: 12-28 | Elder Steve DeVries reading Rev. Michael Brown, Christ URCNA California |  |
2023 04 02 p.m. | Elder Steve DeVries reading Rev. Michael Brown, Christ URCNA California | Elder Bernie Bakker reading Dr. Wes Bredenhof of the Free Reformed Church of Launceston, Tasmania |  |
2023 03 26 a.m. | “The bitter sweet Gospel” 1. A reliable message 2. An urgent message – Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 2:1-3:11 Text: Revelation 10 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 03 26 p.m. | “God’s Son and our Lord” 1. The wonder of love 2. The privilege of adoption 3. The blessing of being sons – Confessional Reading: HC LD 13 Scripture Reading: 1 John 3:1-3 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 03 19 a.m. | “The fifth and sixth trumpets” 1. God’s permissive decree 2. Satan’s potent misery 3. Earth’s accountability – Scripture Reading: Joel 2:1-11 Text: Revelation 9 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 03 19 p.m. | “Jesus, the anointed One, provides liberty” 1. The question 2. The answer 3. The blessing – Confessional Reading: HC LD 12 Scripture Reading: Matthew 11:1-6 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 03 12 a.m. | “The sounding of the alarm to the world” 1. The trumpets’ warning 2. The eagle’s call – Scripture Reading: Revelation 8 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 03 12 p.m. | “Something better than silver or gold” 1. All inclusive salvation 2. All sufficient Saviour – Confessional Reading: HC LD 11 Scripture Reading: Acts 3 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 03 05 a.m. | “The interlude and the last seal” The church is safeguarded during the tribulations of the world 1. The giving of the seal 2. The shelter for the sealed 3. The opening of the seventh seal – Scripture Reading: Revelation 7:1-8:5 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 03 05 a.m. | “With His infinite knowledge, the Lord takes care of every detail in our lives” 1. How providence comforts us 2. How providence challenges us – Confessional Reading: HC LD 10, Scripture Reading: Psalm 139 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 02 26 a.m. | “The unfolding of God’s judgment” 1. The horses of the apocalypse 2. The martyrs’ anticipation 3. The Lamb’s anger – Scripture Reading: Revelation 6 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 02 26 p.m. | “The comfort of knowing God as your Father” 1. Creator 2. Cause 3. Consequences – Confessional Reading: HC LD 9, Scripture Reading: Psalm 104 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 02 19 a.m. | “Jesus, the reigning Saviour, can open the scroll” 1. Worthy is the Lamb 2. Worthy to be worshipped – Scripture Reading: Revelation 5 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 02 19 p.m. | “Our hope in the Triune God” 1. In the Father we are strengthened 2. Through the Son we overcome 3. By the Holy Spirit we are equipped – Confessional Reading: HC LD 8, Scripture Reading: John 16 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 02 12 a.m. | “The view from above” 1. Heaven’s gate 2. Heavenly authority 3. Heaven-worship – Scripture Reading: Revelation 4 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 02 12 p.m. | “Saving faith” 1. The necessity of faith in Christ 2. The nature of true faith – Confessional Reading: HC LD 7 Scripture Reading: Isaiah 43:1-13; Luke 19:1-10 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 02 05 a.m. | “Laodicea: neither hot nor cold” 1. Jesus knows His erring church 2. Jesus gives her good counsel 3. Jesus assures her of caring fellowship – Scripture Reading: Revelation 3:14-22 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 02 05 p.m. | “Saved by whom?” The necessity of a true Mediator – 1. What God wanted Him to be. 2. How we come to know this. – Confessional Reading: HC LD 6, Scripture Reading: Luke 24:13-27; Romans 5:12-21 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 01 29 a.m. | Let us sing to the Lord and worship. – Scripture Reading: Psalm 95; Colossians 3:1-17 Text: Psalm 95:1-2 | Pastor James Sla (Canadian Reformed Church of Carman West) |  |
2023 01 29 p.m. | The kind of Mediator we need. – Scripture Reading: Luke 1:26-38 Text: Lord’s Day 5 | Pastor James Sla (Canadian Reformed Church of Carman West) |  |
2023 01 22 a.m. | “Philadelphia: Christ holds the key“ 1. “I have opened the door” 2. “I will keep you” 3. “I will make you a pillar” – Scripture Reading: Revelation 3:7-13 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 01 22 p.m. | “The Lord is the awful Judge and the awesome Saviour” 1. Be aware of the divide 2. Knowing the times 3. Settling our case – Confessional Reading: HC LD 4, Scripture Reading: Luke 12:49-59 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 01 15 a.m. | “Sardis: when appearance and reality don’t match” 1. Situation 2. Solution 3. Consolation – Scripture Reading: Revelation 3:1-6 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 01 15 p.m. | “The problem of our problems: sin and corruption” 1. True defilement 2. Proper cleansing – Confessional Reading: HC LD 3 Scripture Reading: Genesis 3:1-7; Mark 7:1-23 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 01 08 a.m. | “Thyatira: focusing on love, not truth” 1. Commendation 2. Admonition 3. Exhortation – Scripture Reading: Revelation 2:18-29 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 01 08 p.m. | “Knowing your sin and misery” 1. The misuse of the Law 2. The correct use of the Law – Confessional Reading: HC LD 2, Scripture Reading: Mark 10:28-34; Luke 11:37-53 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 01 01 a.m. | “In the Lord, there is always hope and renewal” This is seen in the heartfelt prayer of the psalmist: 1. Answer me 2. Deliver me 3. Revive me – Confessional Reading: Lord’s Day 1, Scripture Reading: Psalm 143 | Pastor Rich Anjema |  |
2023 01 01 p.m. | Live every year with a Kingdom focus. We focus on: 1) Salvation from the King 2) Service to the King – Scripture Reading: Hebrews 11:1-16 Text: Luke 2:21-38 | Pastor Rick Vanderhorst, Grace Canadian Reformed Church Winnipeg |  |
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