Date |
Morning Service |
Afternoon Service |
2013-12-31 |
New Year’s Eve: THE LORD’S TENDER PITY – How, Whom and Why God Pities – Isaiah 41:1-20, Psalm 103; Text: vv. 13-18 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
New Year’s Day: THE TALENTS – A PARABLE FOR THE NEW YEAR – In this parable, Jesus speaks about using our gifts – The servants, The significance, The Saviour – Matthew 25:14-30 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-12-29 |
Set apart Christ as Lord – This is a matter of the heart and the lips – 1 Pet 3:8-22 |
Rev. Steve Vandervelde |
The Lord wants to see repentance from us – He commands it And he rewards it -Matt 7:13-29 – H.C.L.D. 33 |
Rev. Steve Vandervelde |
2013-12-25 |
Christmas Day: TO US A SON IS GIVEN – The child born, His names, His rule – Luke 2:1-20, Isaiah 9:1-7; Text: vv. 6,7 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
Christmas Day: TO US A SON IS GIVEN – The child born, His names, His rule – Luke 2:1-20, Isaiah 9:1-7; Text: vv. 6,7 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-12-22 |
THE GOD OF OUR COMFORT – Behold your God! -The announcement of His coming, The assessment of His character, The abundance of His care – John 10:1-18, text Isaiah 40:9-12 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
GOOD WORKS ARE NECESSARY because they are done –For Christ, For us, For others – I Peter 2 Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 32, Text: I Peter 2:9-17 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-12-15 |
PREPARING FOR OUR COMFORT Part 2 – With humbled hearts, By waiting for the glory of the Lord, While trusting the enduring Word – Luke 3:7-20, Isaiah 40:3-8 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE KEY THAT OPENS OR CLOSES – The privilege of Gospel ministry, The power of Gospel preaching, The persuasion of the Gospel call – Acts 26:1-32, H.C.L.D. 31 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-12-08 |
THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF OUR COMFORT – Part I – Sent by God, Sent to captives, Sent for their assurance – Isaiah 40:1-11, 21-27, Text Isaiah 40:1,2 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE LORD’S SUPPER and a parable about a royal banquet – Those who refuse to come – Those who accept the invitation, those who say ‘yes’ but mean ‘no’ – Luke 14:7-24, Confessional Reading H.C.L.D. 30 Text: Luke 14:16-24 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-12-01 |
See that you do not refuse God, who speaks to us. The seriousness of this warning. – The perspective of this warning. – Hebrews 12:1-29, Hebrews 12:25 |
Dr. Andrew Pol (Carman West CanRC) |
What an honour to be invited to the Lord’s Supper! Receive this sacrament in faith. Grow in fellowship with the Lord. – Matthew 22:1-14, H.C.L.D. 28,29 |
Dr. Andrew Pol (Carman West CanRC) |
2013-11-24 |
THE UNRIGHTEOUS STEWARD – A strange story with a specific message – In this parable, Jesus teaches about – Wisdom, Stewardship, Character – Luke 16:1-13 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
GOD’S UNCHANGING PROMISE TO THOSE IN PHILIPPI – A saving conversation through the Word, A sacrament for a household – A significant extension of the covenant of grace – Acts 16:11-40, H.C.L.D. 27 -Text: Acts 16:25-34 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-11-17 |
IF IT BEARS FRUIT, GOOD! IF NOT CUT IT DOWN – In this parable, Jesus describes the necessity of repentance – An expectation of fruit, An extension of grace, An expression of warning – Luke 12:54-13:9 Text: Luke 13:6-9 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
HOW BAPTISM STRENGTHENS OUR FAITH – The sprinkling of clean water symbolizes -Remission, Regeneration, Renewal, Recreation – Ezekiel 36:16-38, H.C.L.D.26 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-11-10 |
WHAT KIND OF BUSINESS ARE YOU IN? -The condition of people, The condition of the temple, The chastisement of the people, The command to the people, The companionship of the people, The construction of the temple. – Haggai 1 |
Elder Bernie Bakker reading sermon by Rev. Mitchell Persaud |
THE SPIRIT WORKS POWERFULLY THROUGH THE WORD AND SACRAMENTS – He produces faith, He strengthens faith – Acts 10:9-48, H.C.L.C. 25 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-11-03 |
YOU FOOL! – In this parable, Jesus warns against greed – The faults that lie in the rich fool: Mean-spirited view of life, Misuse of wealth, Miscalculating attitude – Luke 12:1-21, Text: Luke 12:16-21 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
WORK OUT YOUR SALVATION – God commands us to change, God causes us to change – Philippians 2, Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 24, Text: Philippians 2:12, 13 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-10-27 |
A REFORMATION DAY PARABLE – In this parable, Jesus teaches salvation – The self-sufficient Pharisee, the sinful Publican, The mercy-seated person – Luke 18:9-14 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
WE ARE RIGHTEOUS BEFORE GOD AND HEIRS OF ETERNAL LIFE – When we live by faith in a very corrupt world, When we submit by faith to God no matter what the circumstance – Habakkuk 1:1-2:4, Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 23, Text Habakkuk 2:2-4 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-10-20 |
Scripture Reading: Romans 6:15-23, Text: Romans 6:20-23 |
Rev. Steve Swets of Abbotsford URC |
FROM THE OLD TO THE NEW – Romans 7, Text: Romans 7:5-6 |
Rev. Steve Swets of Abbotsford URC |
2013-10-13 |
GO AND DO LIKEWISE – In this parable, the Lord teaches about mercy – The background, The characters, The searchlight – Luke 10:25-37 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
I BELIEVE IN THE LIFE HEREAFTER – The moment after death, The reality of the judgment, The way of escape – Luke 16:19-31,Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 22Text: Luke 16:19-31 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-10-06 |
WORKERS IN THE VINEYARD In this parable, the Lord teaches equal honour in the kingdom -The call, The wage, The lessons – Matthew 20:1-16 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE UNITY OF THE CHURCH – We share the same identity, We belong to the same family, We follow the same command – John 17:29-26, Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D 21 Text: Ephesians 4:1-6 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-09-29 |
Not Yet Available |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
Not Yet Available |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-09-22 |
JETHRO’S ADVICE TO MOSES The Lord provides organization for His Church – Limitations observed – Leadership solution, Lessons for today – I Peter 5:1-7; Text: Exodus 18:13-27 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
Not Yet Available |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-09-15 |
WEEDS AND WHEAT In this parable, the Lord teaches about mixed growth and opposition in God’s kingdom The kingdom grows though opposed, The kingdom progresses though imperfect, The kingdom increases through victory – Matthew 13:24-43 Text: Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
GOD HAS GONE UP WITH A SHOUT! Jesus’ Ascension is a source of great comfort for the church – Its publicity, triumph and joy, It’s purpose, effect and result – Psalm 47, Confessional Reading: H.C.L.D. 18, Text: Psalm 47:5-9 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-09-08 |
They Went Out and Preached – Preaching in Nazareth, Preaching in Surrounding Villages, What Message is Learned – Mark 6:1-13; Isaiah 42:18-25 |
Elder Sandy Siepman reading a sermon by Rev. K. Riddlebarger, Anaheim, CA, URC |
Nothing is Impossible – The Disappointing Failure, The Encouraging Promise – Matthew 17:14-23 |
Elder Tom Hordyk reading a sermon by Rev. Keith Davis |
2013-09-01 |
THE SEED AND THE SOIL In this parable, the Lord teaches about four types of hearers – The ‘hard of heart’ hearer, The ‘shallow of heart’ hearer, The ‘strangled heart’ hearer – Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
WE ARE TRIUMPHANT IN THE LAMB – Perfected, Protected, Promised – Revelation 7:1-17, H.C.L.D.17 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-08-25 |
The LORD deserves praise for the excellency of His Name – Praise for His creation, Praise for His care, Praise for His commission – Psalm 8; Hebrews 2:5-18 |
Rev Rolf Den Hollander of Grace CanRC Winnipeg |
The light shines for us because Christ endured utter darkness. We receive – Life, not death, Heaven, not hell – Matthew 26:36-46; 27:45-56 H.C.L.D.16 |
Rev Rolf Den Hollander |
2013-08-18 |
A FAMILY REUNION – A portrait of Moses’ family – A faith discussion in Moses’ family, Application for a Christian family – Exodus 2:16-25, 4:18-26 Text: Exodus 18:1-12 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
FOLLOWING CHRIST – The principle, The paradox, The prize – Mark 8:27-38, Text: Mark 8:34-38 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-08-11 |
THE LORD DEFEATS AMALEK – The attack of enemies, The means for the battle, The banner of promise – Ephesians 6:10-20 Text: Exodus 17:8-16 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE SUFFERING OF CHRIST – The uniqueness, the extent, the benefit of His suffering – Is. 53:1-6, Romans 8:31-39 Text: Romans 8:32, H.C.L.D.15 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-08-04 |
GLORIOUS AND MAJESTIC AHASUERUS – The splendor of glory and majesty, The satire of glory and majesty – Esther 1 |
Pastor Todd De Rooy |
THE LOST COIN – The lost coin (vv. 8-9), The joyful application (v. 10) – Luke 15:1-10 |
Pastor Todd De Rooy |
2013-07-28 |
A HOLY GOD – The Revelation, the Response, the Result – 2 Chronicles 26:3-5, 16-21, Isaiah 6:1-8; 1 Peter 1:13-16, Text: Isaiah 6:1-8 |
Rev Oord (Edmonton URC) |
A HOLY PEOPLE – God’s Holiness, false Holiness, true Holiness – Isaiah 64:4-9, Matthew 22:1-14, Text: Matthew 22:12 |
Rev Oord (Edmonton URC) |
2013-07-21 |
MASSAH AND MERIBAH – Ungodly demands, Divine forbearance, The Spiritual Rock – I Corinthians 10:1-13, Text: Exodus 17:1-7 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
CHRIST IN THE FLESH: GOD’S METHOD OF DEFEATING SIN – The grandeur of His humility, The gift of His humanity – Romans 8:1-11, I John 4:1-6, Text: Romans 8:3,4, H.C.L.D. 14 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-07-14 |
A DAY MADE FOR MAN – The nature of the Sabbath, The keeping of the Sabbath, The gift of the Sabbath – Matthew 12:1-8, Exodus 16:22-35 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
GOD’S SON AND OUR LORD – The wonder of love, the privilege of adoption, the blessing of being sons – John 8:31-47 – Text: I John 3:1-3, H.C.L.D. 13 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-07-07 |
BREAD OF HEAVEN -More complaints, Additional care, Another command – Exodus 16:1-21 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE MESSIAH AND HIS PEOPLE – The Anointed One, Those affected by His anointing – Isaiah 61; Text: vv. 1-3, H.C.L.D. 12 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-06-30 |
Love has been made perfect in us when we can face the future without fear.” We’ll consider how fear is part of man’s natural condition, how perfect love drives out fear, how our confidence rests on Christ our Saviour – 1 John 4:7-21 |
Rev Joe Poppe, Redeemer Canadian Reformed Church, Winnipeg |
In the parable of the rich man, Lazarus, the Lord Jesus teaches us to find our life in Him, the only Saviour.” We’ll see the faith of Lazarus,the unbelief of the rich man, the call for us to seek our life in Jesus – Matthew 1:18-25, Luke 16:13-14, 19-31 H.C.L.D. 11 |
Rev Joe Poppe |
2013-06-23 |
BY THE WATERS OF MARAH, WE COMPLAINED – Whining, Testing, Resting – Exodus 15:22-27 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
PROVIDENCE IN DETAIL – His omniscience, His omnipresence, His omnipotence – Psalm 139, H.C.L.D. 10 ***Audio NOT Available*** |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-06-16 |
A ‘TITUS 2’ MAN – Respectable, Sensible, Purposeful – Titus 2:1-10 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
DELIVERANCE PART II – THE GREAT ESCAPE – The sea divided, The enemy defeated, The Lord deserving of all praise – Exodus 14:15-31 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-06-09 |
GOD LOOKS AT THE HEART – Hope in His choice, Wisdom in His choice, The surprise of His choice – 1Samuel 16:1-13 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
DELIVERANCE PART I – BETWEEN BONDAGE AND FREEDOM -Divine presence, Divine permission, Divine protection – Exodus 13:17-14:14 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-06-02 |
OUT OF EGYPT – The basis of salvation, The big surrender, The beginning of the sojourn – Exodus 12:29-51 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE GLORY OF GOD IN CREATION – His glory is seen in the creation of light, in the expanse and in the separation of water/land, In the creation of the heavenly bodies, In the creation of plant and animal life, In the creation of man – Genesis 1:1-31 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-05-26 |
A NIGHT TO REMEMBER – The wages of sin, The signs of salvation, The lesson of separation – Exodus 12:1-28 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
GOD IN THREE PERSON – The Son’s petition, The Father’s provision, The Spirit’s presence – John 14:1-18, H.C.L.D. 8 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-05-19 |
THE JEALOUS LOVE OF THE SPIRIT – The Holy Spirit longs for your fidelity to God, who dwells within us, who yearns jealously, according to Scripture, and your response. – James 4 |
Rev Bill Pols |
DEADLY UNBELIEF – A wicked generation displays the dangers of deadly unbelief, Demanding proofs on man’s terms, Narrow-minded blindness to the greatness of Christ, Religious advantages without true conversion – Matthew 12:38-45 |
Rev Bill Pols |
2013-05-12 |
A ‘TITUS 2’ WOMAN – Her example. Her home, Her character – Titus 2:1-10; Text: vv. 3-5 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE LAST OF THE MIGHTY TEN – It presented God’s perfections, It provided justice for God’s people, It praised God’s purpose – Exodus 11 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-05-05 |
SO DARK, IT COULD BE FELT – Deep sin , Direct assault, Darkened heart – Exodus 10:21-28 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
WE’RE SAVED THROUGH FAITH – The invitation to believe, The promise to bless – John 7:37-52; Text: vv. 37-39, H.C.L.D. 7, Canons II Arts. 5-7 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-04-28 |
THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS – restored position, A royal promise – Jeremiah 33:10-16, H.C.L.D. 6 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
ANOTHER STORY FOR YOUR CHILDREN – Good storytelling, More bargaining, Ravage biting – Exodus 10:1-20 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-04-21 |
THE WORST WEATHER EVER IN EGYPT – Divine purpose, Tempest power, False profession – Exodus 9:13-35 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
WE WAIT FOR OUR DELIVERANCE – The depth of our misery, The height of our forgiveness, The hope of Israel’s redemption – Psalm 130, H.C.L.D 5 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-04-14 |
GIVING WHAT IS DUE – The things pertaining to Caesar, The things pertaining to God – Mark 12:1-17 |
Pastor Ancel Merwin, Thunder Bay URC |
LIVING BEFORE THE LORD – The sinful example of the scribe, the sacrificial example of the widow – Mark 12:28-44 |
Pastor Ancel Merwin, Thunder Bay URC |
2013-04-11 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
Prayer Day Service – Details not yet available |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-04-07 |
BOILS UPON EGYPT – Feeling the heat, Weakening health, Hardening the heart – Exodus 9:8-12 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
I COUNT ALL THINGS LOSS! – The ‘dung’ that does not lead to God, The right direction to God, The true disposition of those who have gained Christ – Philippians 3:1-16; H.C.L.D. 4 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-03-31 |
THE RESURRECTION! – The women, The angel, The response – Mark 15:42-16:8 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
MAN’S CORRUPTION – The origin of temptation, The process of temptation, The power to overcome temptation – James 1:12-18, H.C.L.D. 3 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-03-29 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
Good Friday Service – Sermon Notes not available. |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-03-24 |
GO AND WORK IN THE VINEYARD! – Did you hear the command? Are you obeying it? – Matthew 21:1-27 |
Dr. Andrew J. Pol |
WITHOUT THE LAW, THE GOSPEL WILL NOT COMFORT US – The demand of the law, The condemnation by the law, The comfort on the basis of the law. – Mark 12:28-34, H.C.L.D.2 |
Dr. Andrew J. Pol |
2013-03-17 |
(BSE): BOVINE SYNDROME OF EGYPT – Reoccurring demand, Reoccurring distinction, Reoccurring denial – Exodus 9:1-7 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE BLIND BEGGAR BARTIMAEUS – His terrible plight, His sheer persistence, The Lord’s amazing pity – Mark 10:46-52 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-03-10 |
THE LORD’S BLESSED SELF-PROCLAMATION – I AM THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA! – This awesome name reveals, God’s sovereign counsel, God’s loving faithfulness, God’s invincible power – Revelation 1:1-8, 17-18; 21:6-7; 22:12-14; Text: Rev.1:8 |
Rev. Klaas Jonker |
TAKING A REST ON THE WAY TO THE WEDDING FEAST – At the Lord’s Supper – We receive renewed direction for the way, We receive renewed strength for the way, We receive renewed assurance for the way. – Mark 14:22-26; Revelation 19:6-9; Text: Rev. 19:9 |
Rev. Klaas Jonker |
2013-03-03 |
BUGS AND BEGGING RELIEF – The finger of God, Flies from God, The fortification of God – Exodus 8:16-32 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
ENCOURAGEMENT FOR GOD’S PEOPLE – Their discouragement, Their comfort – Isaiah 40:1,2,21-31; H.C.L.D. 1 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-02-24 |
FROGS, FROGS EVERYWHERE – A punishing plague, A pathetic prayer – Exodus 8:1-15 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
HEAVEN: A RENEWED CREATION – How will the Lord keep His promise? What kind of people are we to be? How can we speed His coming? – 2Peter 3:1-18, Belgic Confession 37 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-02-17 |
WATER TURNED TO BLOOD – The admonition given, The agony that followed, The attack on Egypt’s deities – Exodus 7:14-25 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
SIGNS OF THE TIMES – The future marked by general signs, The future marked by alarming signs – 1Timothy 4:1-11, Belgic Confession 37 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-02-10 |
THE LORD IN EGYPT’S MIDST: A SNAKE EATING SNAKE – Moses and Aaron’s submission, The giving of a sign, Egypt’s devotion to Satan – Exodus 6:28-7:13 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE SHEEP AND THE GOATS – The reason for their separation, The account of their works, The results of their judgment – Matthew 25:1-13, Belgic Confession Article 37 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-02-03 |
Stand in Awe of God – Listen to God, Honour our vows – Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 |
Elder Andy Bakker reading sermon by Pastor Keith Davis, Lynwood URC |
The Boy Jesus among the Teachers in the Temple – Luke 2:40-52 |
Elder Bernie Bakker reading sermon by Rev. F. De Jong, Arcadia, CA |
2013-01-27 |
Our Lord Jesus Christ gives the Ethiopian eunuch a name – Mr. Eunuch, Mr. Christian, Mr. Rejoicing. -Acts 8, Text: Acts 8:26-40 |
Rev. Steve Vandevelde (Canadian Reformed Church Carman East) |
Sermon: The Holy Spirit comforts me that I belong eternally to Jesus Christ -My body belongs eternally to him, My life belongs eternally to him – 1 Corinthians 15:35-58, Text: H.C.L.D. 22 |
Rev. Steve Vandevelde (Canadian Reformed Church Carman East) |
2013-01-20 |
THE POWER OF FAITH ENABLES THE SAINTS – To do mighty deeds, To endure horrific trials, To receive a great reward – Hebrews 11:32-40 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE MILLENIUM – The binding of the dragon, The reign of the saints, The judgment of Satan – Revelation 20:1-15; B.C. Art. 37 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-01-13 |
FAITH’S WITNESS IN JERICHO’S FALL – The Lord conquers Jericho by faith, The Lord converts sinners by faith – Joshua 2:8-14; 6:1-5; 20-25 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
OUR GLORIOUS FUTURE IN CHRIST – The reality of Christ’s return, The nature of Christ’s return, The expectation of Christ’s return – Matthew 24:1-44; B.C. Article 37 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
2013-01-06 |
RAISED WITH CHRIST — PART II: GOSPEL IMPLICATIONS – Colossians 3:1-17; Text: Colossians 3:9-17 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
THE PROPHET CAME TO PREACH – We’ll consider Him as Mediator, Messenger and Messiah – Deuteronomy 18:15-22 Text: Mark 1:35-39 |
Elder Peter Wassenaar reading a sermon by Dr. Wes Bredenhof from Providence Can. Ref.Church of Hamilton |
2013-01-01 |
New Year’s Day Service – A CHRISTIAN OUTLOOK FOR THE NEW YEAR – Our relationship with others, Our relationship with the Lord, Our relationship with ourselves – Philippians 4:2-9; Text: vv. 6-9 |
Pastor Richard Anjema |
Pastor Richard Anjema |